Evan's SICK Rock Lobster prep'd for Nats....
My boy Evan from my old home on the Left Coast is already set for this weekend's re-birth of Surf City at Watsonville this weekend. I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE that course. Check out his custom mud-ready A-Dugasts with Michelin mud tread and his team Scandium (compare to mine below...). Evan is the master of the bling.Frigging YUMMY! Check these out:
This thread got started 'cause I asked Evan about repairing tubulars as I have a ruined pair of Challenge I want to get fixed. When he was here staying with me here in CO for the GP's, he mentioned the following site you can send your tubulars to to get repaired. It takes a while but apparently the guy does a good job. Evan says:
" Try http://www.tirealert.com/ ...don't know if it's any good as they use a butyl tube in place of a latex (suppleness); continental uses all butyl so it probably doesn't matter. "
If anyone has good tips for local tubular repair people, let me know!
Update since posting: The "Tire Alert" URL does not seem to work so I used the Way Back Machine to get at it:
T I R E A L E R T !!!
Now You Can Bring
Those Tubular
Tires Back To Life
We've perfected the art of re-tubing sewup tires, saving riders time hassle and money!!
(We cannot retube "Tufo" tires)
Send your tires to:
Tire Alert
2320 Hawthorne Dr
Clearwater, FL 33763 Got any questions?
e-mail us at
or phone (800) 735 5516
COST: $20 for one tire, $16 each for 2 or more
.......... and we pay the return shipping!
Light weight butyl tube (64 grams) add $2 each tire
48mm or 60mm valve stems add $2 each tire
We also just install new base tape for $8 per tire
Personal checks, Mastercard and VISA accepted
If you're a cyclist who trains frequently and prefers to use expensive tubular sewup tires, then chances are you've experienced a blowout to a sewup tire that has plenty of good tread left. Or maybe you're a specialty bicycle shop that deals with biking athletes and you'd like to find a way to keep your customers satisfied....
Many riders use tubular sewups for the obvious reasons; they're GREAT! But there are those times when there's no way to avoid a premature blowout due to slivers of glass or other sharp objects out on the road that penetrate the tire....
That's where TIRE ALERT comes in....
Instead of throwing that still good tubular tire in the shed or trash, we can repair that expensive sewup quickly and at low-cost!!!
BUT instead of patching the tube we strip the tire open, rid it of any foreign objects, replace with NEW butyl tube, resew with a specialized industrial sewing machine and install new base-tape.
Ron Murawsky
Owner/operator since 1995
Hawaii Ironman finisher
Distance athlete since 1971
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