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Cyclocross Videos

OK, sluts, warm up your credit cards...

Reader Comments (2)


The DVD [USGP #1 Elite Men, 41 minutes] is available now on
Thanks for checking out the video.

January 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterHenry Jurenka

Fantatstic! I'm totally interested to see my man Erwin racing here in the states again like he did in 01. Nice work capturing all this! Stay tuned for an 'announcement' of a UCI 1 race in....drum roll...Vegas baby! At night under the lights. Can't say much more than that but if the organizers can pull this off, it may attract some of the real guns like Vervecken did on 01. The talent here, while still slower than your average pro in Belgium, is orders of magnitude better and faster so at least we'll have a Timmy J or Trebon up there for a bit at the pointy end of the race! Hopefully Maxim will come with his tights and do a show girl act as well.

January 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

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