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Release in a tunnel of light

What an inexplicable release. My dear friends, some new souls met, my single speed and deliciously epic, tight and twisty technical single a tunnel of light.

At work today, my head came close to exploding no less than 4 times. I literally was calculating what the anuyerysm woudl feel like when it happens. I was sort of hoping it woudl be quick and not hurt a lot. By 4:30 I am watching my watch. I'm in an executive meeting. We are announcing major changes and I all I am thinking of is that that I need to get going 'cause I am going to be late for hooking up with my boys! Joe is flying in from Spokane and Brian has a huge crew assembled including the awesome duo from Yeti, Ariel and Abby, former Boulderites now calling Santa Cruz their home and working for the Tribe.

We assembled at the Java Hut in downtown Fairfax CA....the Boulder of the West. I got there a 1/2 hour late and then Joe rips into the parking lot, family in tow, moments later, fresh out of Oakland Airport. Bri and the crew patiently waited for us for 45 minuets and Joe and I got ready and we jammed before 7PM. Team Yeti has bikes prepared for everyone, but I am going to roll the 1 x 1. I just love my own bike as tempting as those ASR's and 575's were....

We climbed and ripped Tamarancho and then traversed up and over into terrain I've never been on. Let's just say this was 'unmarked'.



Epic, cherry, technical single track. The tight and obscenely twisty stuff that you dream night in a tunnel of light. An utter release after a week of mental torture. My dearest family in the Bay Area communing on the tight and twisty.

I miss you.

Bri and Ariel on the ascent.
Joe advertising
Brian selling the shit out of the Yeti experience
Abby loading the Yeti rig
Speed Buggy healing up after Achilles surgery
Ball as he is seen in his high powered biz dev role

Reader Comments (3)

dude, you could have ridden a new 575 and you stayed on the gay singlespeed, shame on you

November 16, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Now now. No need to call my single speed gay. Even though we have a special relationship and I have a cyclosexual affinity for its thick tubes.

November 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

anyone you know?

that's gotta be the first time the Brits beat the Yanks in anything cycling related!:)

November 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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