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Ashes, ashes, they all fall down.

Zabel. The hardest working man in show business. I wept when I read this on Velonews/mobile on my crackberry yesterday on the plane. I love that guy. Funny enough, the two on the cover of Hell on Wheels were joined at the hip again on stage confessing.

Who's next. Clearly Bjarne and all his smugness should taste a little. After that, the dominoes will quickly fall I feel. I guarantee Il Gato will be seen on stage crying like all good little Italian cycling boys do it seems. What about in the US? Who was the 'other' anonymous Postal Tour rider who backed up Frankie A? Will he 'slip' by or fess up and move forward like I am sure he desires and is spending considerable time creating a dope free empire (kudos). We''ll see.

Ashes. Ashes, they all fall down.

Cheaters suck. Go find something else to do in life if you have to cheat.

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