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Rocky Mounts Crit

We had our first race of the season today...the RM Izze Crit in lovely Lousiville CO. I swung by the event today to chip in where I could and snapped some pics where I could. The conditions were great through the Open 35's and 3's when the torrent came down and the temps dropped.

The RM crew did such a fabulous job. I was proud. Everything was humming and racers seemed stoked. I made it a point to poke about and ask folks about their race and how they liked the course and everyone seemed fairly stoked.

Some pics:

Longman, Fryda and his lady.

Mr. Bobby Rocky Mounts and Jenny K.

Dirk Friel and his adorable daughter

AC with priorities set straight

Peltier's Dovetail-sponsored Pasta Feed

Amar motoring in the Jr's to a 2nd place.

The RM gals

Reader Comments (2)

You guys put on a great race on Sunday. Thanks

May 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Rad! We are stoked you had a good time. The course is super simple but fun. Hope you had a good day and will be back next year....or taking part in some of the 'cross races we're helping put on this Fall.

May 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

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