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Proposed ACA Legislation for CX Season BCR Call Ups

I began some dialog with the ACA on the subject of the Best All Around Cyclocross Rider or "BCR". Basically, in a very abstract fashion it boils down to this (and I am absolutely soliciting feedback here local ACA riders!).

Call ups are a common practice for race series’ around the US namely CCCX, Pilarcitos and their sister race series’ on the West Coast in Portland and Seattle. What would be required in general is this:

a) The first race of the BCR series is raced. No call ups on this date as there have been no points awarded. We could consider taking last year's Top 10 and line them up but this is negotiable.

b) At the 2nd BCR race, and all subsequent BCR races of the series, the Top 10 series leaders will be announced by the appointed race official before each BCR-enabled category.

c) Per b) above, this will require that each official and/or race promoter will have either the list prepared and distributed to them by ACA weekly or as part of their acceptance of taking on a BCR race, the promoter will manually do this in advance for all categories to prepare for the upcoming race. (this needs to be socialized with the race promoters signed up for BCR)

d) With respect to ‘game day’ rules, only the Top 10 will be allowed to represent the front line when called up on race day. In other words, if 3 of the Top 10 are not present on race day, only the 7 present BCR leaders will be allowed to formulate the front row of the race. The ACA official or race promoter will not be responsible to go past the Top 10 (This is debatable. Some series do allow for this to fill out the top 10 with ‘next on the list….although this becomes a management problem.)

e) BCT (team) has no concept here and will remain the same…e.g. as an aggregate points collection collected by ACA and will not be factored into the call up).

So with this initial stub of an idea known, would you want to see this implemented? Vote:

Would you like to see the American Cycling Association institute a Top 10 Rider Call-Up system for each race of the BCR?
Could give a sheet. free polls

Reader Comments (6)

I voted yes, but don't agree with

d) With respect to ‘game day’ rules, only the Top 10 will be allowed to represent the front line when called up on race day. In other words, if 3 of the Top 10 are not present on race day, only the 7 present BCR leaders will be allowed to formulate the front row of the race. The ACA official or race promoter will not be responsible to go past the Top 10 (This is debatable. Some series do allow for this to fill out the top 10 with ‘next on the list….although this becomes a management problem.)
let the top whoever shows up line up and then let those who get to the line early or can fit, fill in the rest. If only 3 show up, it seems a little silly not to fill the holes

June 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJared Roy

I think that filling out the Top 10 will be the case. I spoke with Dan D a little today on this and yours was his sentiment too. I don't disagree!

June 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

the norcal series call up the previous year's top 10.

June 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Rad. Thanks for the note. I recall Surf City doing this back in the day.

June 26, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

Sweet Ideir, thanks for spearheading it. What about State Finals? Cat 4?

June 26, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

No probs!! In effect, this is for all categories that have a BCR tied to, 35's, cat 3,4...etc. State finals is the last of the ACA series so it woudl be treated the same. You've got to be going into that race in the Top 10 man! Last season's States actually had somewhat of a call up but it was make shift and sort of rider regulated. While that was cool, my goal here is to get ACA to institute this from beginning to end and 'engage'/'enroll' the race promoters who want their race to be a BCR/BCT race (and with it a better racer draw) to work this with race officials on game day. I am working in real time with ACA folks to parse through the details and institute something solid so hang tight.

June 26, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

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