OK, my NEW new favorite blog.
Radio Freddy, you are my kindred soul blog but Beer Frites and Waffles is my evil twin blog. Good stuff. I'd give it an 8 of 10 for solid time wasting. Any human that could...
a) find a picture of Bart Wellens on a pair of panties
b) appreciate the fact he found or was part of the picture taking exercise of Bart on a pair of panties
c) is possibly the person in this picture NEAR the pair of panties with Bart Wellens on them being worn on the outside of an invariably drunk woman's pants
...is a sick kindred soul/evil twin of mine any day.
Friggin good.
'Cross on.
Reader Comments (2)
Ha! Thanks for the props.
I took that photo at 2006 CX Worlds in Zeddam.
It was in the beer tent (obviously) after the elite men's race and this young Belgian woman (and everyone else) was exceedingly drunk (obviously).
This was only one of many many beautifully strange things that I saw that weekend.
Good times!!!
HA! I am infinitely jealous of your trip to worlds Looking forward to mine this year. I'm cappin' off the season with a night of debauchery...hopefully ending with mad frolics like yours.