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What a difference a day makes

So, from piss and moan on Thursday to taking the day off Friday, I feel like a new man. Unbelievable. I have to remember to actually do that every now and again. It's like someone set the reset button to reboot me.

Today was epically gorgeous here in zee Repoobleek. Bobby and I got out for a 100% cross focused training ride this AM. We both feel air changing.

We did 20 x 20's up Poorman's today to work on maintaining porting technique while being under stress. You are climbing this slog of a dirt road suffering but the goal is to be able to maintain your composure (e.g. on/off bike technique) while suffering. In the 59th minute of a cross race, you'll be thanking me for this Bobby. You want to be able to be as smooth and efficient when the body feels like it can't. Suffering up this slog a few times a week is helpful for that late race assurance.

We moved on to Elk's and set up shop. Slow speed technique training over the PVC's. Fun. Took some pics and vids.

What did YOU do to get ready for cross today kids?!!

Mr. Boberino
The pit bike felt niiiice.
The PVC's are back from hiatus.

Wasted after the effort.

Reader Comments (2)

he wasn't thanking you today his posterior handed to him on Monarch Crest Trail by a 220# house of a man and a crappy English bloke with about ooh, half a working lung(albuterol is the shit!)but...he still dropped ALL the other trail riders.
It was still as fun as ever though...that's 3 times this year on the MCT!

August 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Ha! Longman, I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Make sure Bobby doesn't see this comment sections. Shh.

August 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

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