Place: Zilvermeer Strand, Belgium -
Ladies and gents: She's in the books. The UCI Master's World Championships age group 1968-1973. I will say this before I dive into the gory details: I left every single solitary ounce of myself out there on the sand, pavement and single-track today. It is done.
So let's get to the day, shall we? We rolled out of Blauberg at 11AM for our 45 minute drive to Zilvermeer. We passed Dubba on the way as he's getting his training on today. All those 'nice' days we had caught up with us today with pissing sideways rain and windier than a mo fo out there.
We get to Zilvermeer and look out out the course...It's gonna be brutal today. We proceed to inschriving (registration) and it is like a well oiled watch. You walk up, fill out a form, show them your UCI license and they take care of the rest. Oh, and they all speak perfect English.
While there, I was able to meet with Phillipe (did not get last name, but the gentleman in the middle below in the pic) who is the MAN. He literally runs the show. We chatted and he is an incredibly great guy who was as excited for us to be there as we were. Thanks Phillipe!
I finished up and grabbed my numbers for the back and arms. I got Bo Jackson'd today. Sweet.
So, let me tell you a bit about the atmosphere. In the summer, you could see how this place must go off with a bunch of pasty white dudes with banana hammocks hanging with their kids and tanned brides. it's a full on beach play land in the middle of nowhere. Today, only the hearty, not afraid of sideways rain and fashion faux pas with a set of Wellingtons on came out to line the Visa tape of the course. There was cheesy 80-'s re-mixed music blaring (e.g. I could NOT get Hall and Oates out of my head...STILL can't: "I can't go for that. Nooo, no can do.") and lots of cross fanatics from EVERY place in the EU. Sick. So many languages it was incredible. I spoke more German today than I have in 10 years.
Dubba was our FULL ON mechanic, soigneur, coach...you name it today. Brandon, thank you my brother. I tapped into so much of your calmness and advice this week. I am indebted. Dubba dialed us in on our pits, spare bikes, etc and came to the start with all the other North Americans (thanks Dave, Tom, Henry, Gannon and Kathy....and CONGRATS KATHY ON YOUR WIN TODAY! Sweet! American's rocking the dark blue and stripes. So g.d. good).
OK, stay on topic, Greg. So KP and I were able to pre-ride about 3 laps between races. The course had changed significantly in my opinion within the woods...the sand being exactly the same as we rode it yesterday. What changed were the berms and more importantly specific drop offs and the like within the woods. This was significant enough to keep you on the bike in some sections versus running them or taking totally different lines we trialled yesterday. So net net it was great to get at-speed laps on before our race.
We kitted up and headed to the start. Everybody is circling and then the UCI officials head down to us with their clipboards and watches. "TWEEEEEEEEEEET!" Whistle blows and the racers flood up to him. He starts announcing names and numbers in the language of the racer! Sweet. 1, 2, 3, 4 people called up. Then "No. 34, Gregory Keller, U-S-A." Holy shit. I GOT IT! I got the front row call up. I shit you not I had dreamed it two nights ago and today it materialized! I let out a gutteral sort of shout and Dubba gets me back in the game. Focus grasshoppah! It gets better. "No. 35, Kurt Perham U-S-A." What the??? YES! KP got called up next. This was TOTALLY odd as they were calling TOTALLY random numbers a la Bingo. 1, 22, 46, 51, 7, 17....you get the picture. The fact they had two numerically sequenced numbers was mad.
The eventual winner finishing his pre-race 'relief'. Watch those white Sidi's Ludovic!
"1 minute gentlemen!"...then the 30 second count down. I am gonna f-ing drill this mo fo. Taro is in my head saying: "GK, don't win the hole shot. Save it hombre." but there are exactly 52 other dudes back there who want to tear my legs off. I can feel my tire being bumped in that empty silent space between the 15 seconds and 5 seconds to go eternity. Then I remember: Look Up, man. I looked up at the sky and smiled. Smiled and closed my eyes once I knew I realized where I was and where I'd been and what sacrifices have been made by more, WAY more, than just me to be here.
TWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!" 'Cross fans, we are OFF!! Check this sheeit out caught by Dubba "Graham Watson you've got nothing on me" Dwight.
Your fearless blogger won himself the hole shot to the beach with Bert and I plowing through the sand. I followed his wheel through the wooded section past the pits and on through the woods itself. 5 guys came past and I hung on to that group until I was absolutely cross eyed. I was drilling the lines, nailing the run ups all PRO like but the BPM's were in the 180's.
I follow this group of 5 about 10 seconds back from Bert onto the beach again. One guy bobbles and forces me to and dismount. "whoosh whoosh whoosh". Belgies flying past. Like 3, maybe 5. Frieght trains. Back in the woods and we're rolling. I am so loaded but doing everything I can to dig ever deeper and spin fast. More dudes bridge, drop me. I stay on for dear life. My eyes are crossed and I am starting to lose composure. Lines are taken not the way I want, power is lost on the flats. I need to collect myself.
2 laps to go. I know I am in the 20's. And I STILL can not believe I am in a cluster of dudes. People are shouting at them in every language. I am being yelled at by every language. F-ing crazy.
Folks: It's in the books. AM I stoked? Absolutely. Could I have ridden any harder. Absolutely not. Taro had me at the absolute fittest I could be. I rode my heart out and left nothing in reserve. I raced as smartly as I possibly could have. Could I have ridden smoother? Absolutely. You have NO IDEA how gifted and experienced my competition was today.....and frankly during my experience here.
I am so tired as I write this. We made a dinner at home and I downed some Leffe Browns. Dubba handed me chocolate with a smile. Hard earned.
Living the dream folks. One more to go tomorrow. Wish us luck.
Reader Comments (22)
Is there such a thing as 'cross blue balls? I think that's what I've got.
Great job racing and reporting!
Thank you!
Great job you guys. Don't forget though, one more to go. :-)
Thanks for making this season the best ever Greg. You and the rest of the Boulder/CO crew deserve some serious praise for the grace, class and humility shown out there all year (along with some serious ass kicking!).
Enjoy the rest of your time in Belgium. You are the man!
Dave Towle
Dude, well done...your posts and pictures this week have pulled me through my self pitty season. Next year we must go again...Your descriptions of the places, people and racing have brough back a flood of memories for me. thank you. You've done the yanks proud. Have a beer for me and know you've pulled many fellow crossers through the winter here in the states.
Have a safe return.
Snowed under in Steamboat!
Jon Cariveau
This is your other half writing from your desk top at home wishing you a happy birthday! I don't think it could get any better? Cheers my love. Get 'er done and get home to us.
Awesome Job Greg !!!!
Thanks for the write ups!
You killed it!
Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you!
I knew you could do it, ever since I saw the size of your .... cowbell at states...
Dave K. (one of the Blue Sky boyz)
G - I've been following your exploits all season from up here in chilly Calgary. So stoked to read about your race, and even more stoked to see the shot of your front row call-up complete with the Pimp white taped Rock Lobster. I wrote earlier about how that rig is The Shit. Love it!!!!!
Congrats on what looks to me like an awesome ride dude. If you ever get an inkling to try out the UCI races here in Alberta be sure to drop me a line.
cheers | noel.
cheers | n.
Great reports!
Like reading it.
Didn't go to the worlds this year, although it's just approx. a 2 ~ 2.5 hours drive for me. I've been in Mol 2 or 3 times. That's enough for a while. Perhaps later again.
Hope to see you again in NL another time.
Good luck for the rest of your stay, enjoy it and a save trip back.
I was on the edge of my seat reading your race report Keller... way to rip it man!
I've got a massively sprained ankle that's gonna keep me off the bike for a while, and reading this today was great medicine. :)
I think my heart rate kicked up 10bpm on your last lap! Way to fight to the death in the sprint... Best of luck to you and Brandon with the rest of the trip.
Safe Travels.
Dan Farrell
Blue Sky Velo
F%ing AWESOME!!!!! Thanks for letting us into your world Greg, it's a better place with homies like you!
Hello my little brother--am I allowed to say how incredible I feel that I am your big sister and I get to read about this incredible thing you do? Oh man...how are you going to celebrate the big day? I can't wait to talk to you!
lots of love,
Thanks for bringing us along for the ride, minus the sand in the drivetrain and lactic acid in the legs. Cherish the moment.
Yo G-
Way to go and cheers to a complete season! From the Poorman 20:20s to Worlds in Belgium...strong work my brother:)
Keller ....I mean Grasshopper,
You are the f'n man. Had no doubt you would throw down all the way to the finish. The best part is that you actually took a second right before the start to soak in the adventure. Have loved the updates. Giver hell tomorrow.
Great job, that's some fine racin' you did there. Thanks for the great reports and sharing the dream.
hell yeah!
strong ride, man
F-ing awesome dude! A front row start for you and Kurt must have been icing on the cake. Thanks for taking us on your adventure. Enjoy the beer now! Can't wait to hear some tails from the trip later.
Great ride-
I don't race or ride anymore but I really enjoyed reading your cross adventure!!! I felt like I was there with you minus the pain!!
Thanks for reporting and letting us join in your adventure!!!
I used to ride cross and road with Osmond Bakker many years ago!!
Way to live the dream!
hey greg - its philippe marien, he is the man. Chief Commissaire Giro di Italia 2008...
hey Greg,
That german champ who you kept compagnie for 1/2 lap.
he's not a german, that is Wim Janssen, Belgium champ, and winner of the gold in Mol last year.
He's also a great roadracer.
What's up my brother? Holy crap, I hope I didn't insult Wim! HA! I didn't realize that was him! I probably should have spoke with him a bit and then woudl have known, but talking is hard to do when the man is making you suffer!
If I did not say it enough while in Belgium, it was FANTASTIC meeting, racing and spending time with you and the TEAM RAATS crew. Great people and I hope you guys make the trip to Cross Vegas. Just don't get arrested when you're there...HA!
Stay in touch man.