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Wednesday Worlds - Back in effect

Wednesdays. Pre work. The "Hump Day Accelerator." Bike practice before you punch the clock is such a good thing for the mind and body. Having it on Wednesdays helps you through that mental barrier of a stressful and eternally long work week.

Today was my first Wednesday Worlds in a while given all the travel and fairly hectic work schedule. All the kids came out to play early this AM which was fun. My initial workout at Elks was stymied initially by a thrown chain (and then three other times...odd as it's never happened before) but the cool part was going from DFL of a group of 70+ all the way through to bridge back and hang onto Boups for a couple of laps. Fun. Maybe the legs are speaking to me again... We'll see.

North Boulder Park was also fun. I jammed a few hard laps with some super deep efforts....mad 42 x 12 intervals through the grass for a minute or so....followed by some super light spinning as well to get in the hard stuff. Elks was all hard...ALL the time for the session. My body was craving the cross-eyed which I was happy to oblige it. Afterward, I ended up hanging with Powers whom I haven't seen since Cross Vegas and chatted up the goings on in the cross circuit these days.

Boulder Cups this weekend and it should be going off. I'm registered for the 35 A's both days and the UCI Elite on Sunday but the Elite is fading due to fairly poorly timed parent/teacher conference...on Sunday! But ultimately: bike race in left hand...child's eduction in the right hand. What's right is right.

Cross on ye laddies and lassies.

Digi celluloid.

Temporary Mass transplant J to the Pow was in our midst today, getting ready for the UCI's this weekend. Great to see him as always.

The Blue Sky Armada

North Boulder Park working group....

Matty his new stealth Pro Peleton kit made by Curve. Go get 'em Matty.

Reader Comments (3)

huh? Odd. Thrown chain...I love single rings:-)

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKP

You know KP, you're right! I meant to say back in effect...for me! And the single ring thing was absolutely odd. Never ever had that issue before...with the exception of a bent chain which was throwing it off. Weird.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

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