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Occupy thier hearts and minds. Or Get 'em while they're young

It's growing. Can you feel it? 1500 racers in PDX on any given weekend. 80+ people on a training ride in Boulder on a Wednesday AM. It's a wave that is growing. If you love it like I know you do, give back! Bring a kid to a 'cross race! Let 'em get muddy! Walk the course with them while drinking a hot cocoa!

It's happening here in San Francisco...

And here in Boulder...

The Boulder kids clinic above I reported upon earlier and took place yesterday on their Veteran's Day off from school. Ghris Grealish's DBC guys were there as were all of Ben turner's CLIF Bar team. Amazing.

What are you doing to help the sport?? Give a clinic. Or keep taking them to learn more to teach others down the road. Take your neighbor to a local race. Help set up or take down the course as a volunteer.

It's growing!

Reader Comments (7)

Greg, I was out there yesterday and it was so much fun watching all the kids, parents and volunteers. Every body had the biggest smile on their faces. It was my favorite race to watch this year. Here's a link to pictures I took yesterday. Enjoy!


November 12, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjim

RAD Jim! Thanks so much for helping with all the goings-on yesterday. Super cool. Wish I couldv'e been there but t'was a work day for me!

November 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen! I know my son Maxx and his buddy Alan had a great time. Too bad we'll miss the final BCR/BCT race this weekend.

November 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEngineer Dude

Thanks Mark! Sounds like it was super fun.

Look me up at the next race! I wanna hear about the software you tinker with.

November 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

Now only if the local races had the juniors start between the women's and mens open races there would be people there to show some support. Yesterday's event was amazing and the word of the day was FUN! Thats how all cross races should be put on!


November 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Hey Greg, in Viroqua WI we have a race series that gets between 30-45 kids a week. There's even a girls only race that gets about 9 racers a week. Season's over and I didn't post enough on our blog, but it was a great year considering we are a town of 4,000 in the middle of nowhere.

Look for a write-up in Cyclocross Magazine.

November 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChris Newlin

The enthusiasm I see for this sport from the little kids is amazing. And why wouldn't it be? We spend so much time telling them not to get muddy, this must seem like a dream. Looking forward to watching my daughter ride her second race this weekend!

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMike

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