Wednesday Worlds - 1/2 way through the season!
It was clearly a tough weekend for those that raced the Cup this weekend. The large group that showed up to get the hup on at bike practice today was visibly slower....many choosing to stay in the pack and soft pedal or take laps. Smart. Extra
recovery needed this week. We hit up Rocket Park and East Boulder Park...the latter drudging up bad memories for many from this weekend due to East Boulder's goat head problems. They're everywhere!
My legs felt OK, but I intentionally held it back. Poorman on/off's yesterday was injected to keep the building from the weekend going....then today....then a break. Mmmm. Racing this weekend but from what I hear, two 'classic' CO courses: dirt and goat heads. Joy. To race on Harlow Platts again...
Reader Comments (2)
The ICCC guys are offering a 'goathead-free' guarantee for Saturday's race - if you flat out during the race, you get a free entry to the race in 3 weeks. (See the ACA Forums for details.)
Greg~ Yes, extra recovery this week...legs a little tender. Killer weekend by all, 70's and cal/Dutch & Harlow the hook. Glen & I rolled on Wed. in 25 degree weather and snow here in Steamboat...more like the Czech republic....winter has arrived.
Props to the BCS team and Chris G for another stellar Boulder cross weekend.
Jon C.
Steamboat, USA