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Hippo Birdie, M & C.

Hippo, birdie, two ewes.

Hippo, birdie, two ewes.
Hippo, birdie, two eweeeees.
Hippo, birdie, two ewes.

Happy 2nd birthday Mud and Cowbells. Two years ago I started this thing as a means to sort of track my road to going to Masters 'Cross Worlds. It then morphed into lots of other things...mainly my rants on the three part teeter totter of life.

But more importantly than my vantage point on the scene, I learned a lot about YOU. How you share the same exact passion I do for the sport of the changing leaves. The mud. The equipment. The style. The skill and technique. The constant craving to be smoother. The improvements you make week after week in your local cycling league.

The absolute camaraderie.

Yes, the camaraderie. When you come across the line in an anonymous place and your buds you have just raced, ah, 'against'....drown you with high fives, 'how was it man??' 'did you clean that line every lap' and the usual banter, you know you are in the right place for the right reasons. If this is not happening to you, you...:

a) ...have not completed a 'cross.
b) ...should reconsider your racing and with whom you are racing.

From Portland to Boston to Bay Area to Georgia to Belgium, I get to hear from you all. Your stories and comments, observations and tubular fetishes. I relish it. And it is such an instrumental part of how I want to give back in my way to this community of, by and large, the coolest people I have met in my last 37 years. Readership is up and it still blows me out of the water how many of you stop by every day to digitally say hello.

This season is officially almost over folks. I can not wait to meet many of you in Kansas City! We will have beers. There will be talk of cross and we will geek it together. But we know that the planning, day dreaming and lusting for the leaves to change for our season is an all-year activity for us. I know how you think. And I love it.

Thanks to you all for reading my crappy blog. I'll keep trying my best.

'Cross on.

Reader Comments (9)

Congrats.Thanks for the daily cx fix. Cheers.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBlair

You motivated me and my wife to get off our butts and head to the motherland. Though 2009 will not happen, 2010 is in the planning stages.
It's always tough to juggle it all, but that's what makes it special, too.
Cross is boss

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWes at East Coasters

Nicely done, man. Thanks for the writing; I always enjoy it, even the corny non-cross stuff. Thanks also for the gear tips and race reports -- they're super helpful for guys like me, who might not have everything dialed just yet but are cross addicts nonetheless.

Bust out a podium this weekend, homes!

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPhil

Hup, Hup to you and Mud & Cowbells on two years of cross bliss. See you this weekend!

Transeo ergo sum.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRitchey_Breakaway

Gefeliciteerd Modder en Koeienbellen! Love your cx-blog.

December 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDeRosa (The Netherlands)

The blog is great, Greg, on all levels. Love the photos and vids... Keep on truckin'!

December 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarty

Thanks for the two years of motivation. Please keep up the fantastic blogging. I find this blog not that much different from crack! I keep coming back for another fix over and over and over....

December 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShane Richardson

Sweet Reading for all us CX addicts. If you aren't getting off your bike during a race then it ain't racin'!

December 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercyclesleeper


Always cool to read your stuff. I didn't get to do much more than wave at you in Belgium (I'm Kyle Bush's bud with, but i love your wrap up of the experience. Great blog.

mark thomas

December 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermark

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