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Go to Masters Worlds this Year

I've had numerous emails, questions, etc from readers on details of the trip KP, Dubba and I had last year to Za Motherland and worked with CX Magazine to publish a piece on the experience with various resources on how to do it logistically speaking.

You should go. You should 'cross. You should imbibe the Belgie Brown Dubbels.

mw-gk-winners podium (69-73) mol-sm.jpg

Entering the Lion’s Den: My Masters Worlds Experience and a How-to Guide

by Greg Keller

Welcome to the lion’s den…

It was by far the biggest moment in my cycling career. Oh, and if you’d humor me and call my hobby a career along with me, my ego will be indebted. I’m hearing my name being called out in Flemish. I’m seeing hoards of spectators in Wellingtons and rain jackets waiting to watch the spectacle on a prototypically dismal Belgian day. I see massive signs for Duvel and Primus. I am feeling the tension build as I get a front row call up. And yet with all this going on around me, all I could do was stare at this guy yank up the leg of his skin suit in front of everyone at the start/finish and proceed to pee on top of his White Sex Sidi Dragons.

Continue reading the article on CX

Reader Comments (6)

Great read. Thanks for that, hoping to make it happen this year.

December 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCCC

I'm going to Belgium over Christmas for 10 days. No actual racing for me, but I'll be checking out the world cup race on the 26th.

Got any suggestions for cool places I should check out while I'm there? I have no real schedule yet, so anything is fair game. The plan is to drink lots of beer, eat lots of frites, watch some cyclocross, and hopefully experience the culture.

December 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRyan

sweet writeup

December 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHuge

43 days till my plane departs. 45 days till my first race in England. 49 days till our rolls off the ferry in Dunkerque. 49 days till our car pulls in to he abbey of Saint Sixtus of Westvleteren to purchase a case of the finest bier that cannot be purchased anywhere else in the world. 51 days till Masters Worlds!!!!

Uhh, yeah, the clock is moving too slow.


December 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNathan

Kick-ass. Hope you don't mind I" REL="nofollow">linked this up. -mike

December 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMike

“You know, you Americans are too nice. I watched you. You made me money today, but you were too nice in the corners. We Belgians come out here every weekend and have a race. But our boys are going across the same fields in the mud they had to work in as young boys. So, they’re angrier. You need to try working in a field.”

Priceless, If I were able to pull this trip off, I'd tattoo this quote on my forearm and race possesed. Go work in a field for a week, go get angry, then tell us the story.

December 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterELGEE

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