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Thanks for coming!

Wow! What a COOL night! Thanks to you all who came to hear some stories from the 'old men' about this adventure we went on to Za Motherland. The turnout was fantastic and we were able raise some great coin for the CLIF Bar Cyclocross Development Team. Sweet!

At the end of the proverbial day, I hope people had fun and could here the 'subtle' messages of things that I learned....and is at the heart of what I wanted to relay:

a) Trips like this aren't just for pros
b) The racing is just 1 aspect of the trip. Keeping your head up and 'seeing' is more important and seeing that culture woven through the races and racers themselves is what must be tasted.
c) Cross is life. You need to go.

Thanks to all the supporters of the Slide Show Fundraiser! Chris King, New Belgium Brewery, CLIF Bar, Izze, and Rocky Mounts! People were stoked for their prizes and we thank you all for your kind donations.

Some digital celluloid of the night!

Brandon reads Chris D's letter (from Chris King) to the attendees.

Reader Comments (2)

Greg, Thanks for taking the time to share your trip with those of us who have yet to make it to the motherland. Since we are the same height, do you have any road/cross bike frames to trade? I need a new(er)bike to put my new Belgium Flag/Chris King Headset on. I can trade a 1987 Subaru Wagon for a frame. (car is a $250.00 value)

Rob K.

February 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbobbyknight

Greg, well done last night mate, thought it was just gonna be loads of snot photos! Thanks for sharing your adventure, seeing the mud, those death gutters and the sideways rain again brought a lump to my throat...all those years in England grovelling in the gutter and getting pelted with rain...can't wait to go back! Fantastic job with the commentary.

February 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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