Cyclocross training and the art of mad dog avoidance
I'm lucky. I mean, REALLY lucky. I count my blessings every day. Beautiful family, thankfully good health. Trust me, I know the blessings when they are in front of me.
Another huge blessing is being able to be competitive in the sport I love and I race with some of the best guys in the country, weekend in and weekend out. But to do this, takes a lot of sacrifice and dedication. So, of course when the time comes each year, I get on it and watch the diet, train in the wee early morning hours to ensure the balance with fam and work, etc.
But this element, called "work" often injects some fairly sophisticated barriers to surmount (puns semi-intended) in order to be as on top of my game as I can. Heavy stress, people management, business growth, and of course 100K mileage years on United are all part of the drill managing a world wide product management organization and product portfolio.
On the travel tip, I get to see some crazy places around the globe and meet super passionate software geeks like me. But then I get exposed to things like the following IM I had this AM with my lab director in Romania. Put this into context on how I need to try and keep some fitness while on the road...especially in the late summer as I am trying to ramp it up (lots to do with keeping my mind sane, less the body at this time of year):So many obstacles. So little time. So next time you see me out there smile and it will surely mean the dogs didn't get me.
Reader Comments (6)
Better read Cesar Millan's book on the flight. It's a quick read. I don't know how a pack of wild dogs would respond to you grabbing their leader's throat and pinning them on the ground, though. It should at least provide for some entertaining blog posts, if not a series of rabies shots. Lucky!
OK, at first I thought for sure this guy was pulling your leg, but of course I was wrong. However, some people online are saying that it's not a huge problem anymore:
Hey, maybe a chance to get some seriously motivational speed work in...
Hey, Greg,
Stop in while you're in the area - I'm just up the road (a few 100km) in Slovakia. I haven't got the cross bike out of the box yet, but it looks like there are some interesting rides up in the hills near here. I've been out running a few times and haven't met any wild dogs yet.
- George
Wow. And I thought the rednecks with F250s were a problem.
Monks of New Skeet - the bible on all things dog. Get the leader on his back, hands on throat, get right in his face and bare your teeth. It's what to do if you REALY want to get a dog's attention and show him who is boss. Haven't tried this in a cyclocross race yet, but I assume it works on people too.
Ummm, I don't know about that. They really don't have pack leaders there, just crazy hounds. Also a good idea to not make eye contact, Greg. Kim looked at one once, and it growls at him all the time, even on subsequent trips. Somehow it remembered him... ;->
- O