Mmm. Trees. I am turning that corner from racing to remember that I love to just...ride. This was an extremely confusing, stressful, anxiety filled week. Sitting underneath that swirl is this void...like a deflation that I guess must be like a 'now what' sort of void. All that pent up 'get 'er done' emotion blown out in the Motherland and...now what. The re-entry into real life's atmosphere has been difficult but a Chimay and an unbelievable conversation with my wife last night sort of rattled my mental cage back into some sense of reality. I don't expect anyone reading this to understand this hollowness, 'cause I don't think I get it at the moment, but maybe...
I took a bit of the edge off today. Two wheeled methadone to treat t he shadows in the brain and reminisce with the trees to make 1 + 1 = 3. Or maybe 1 x 1 equaling 3. It was yum. Crisp air, trees, silent single track and 5 minutes from my house. I hit Heil today and communed with my 1 x 1 and grooved in and out of the trees, up and over the baby heads, through the snow packed elevation, past the fir trees all who seemed to smile and give me a whisper of whatup. I said whatup back. Out loud. No one was around so that doesn't make me crazy as far as I know.
I need more of it. A little more mental furniture rearrangement and a bit more singeltrack. Travel this week so the mind is going to get all crazy like trying to cope with the machine guns and the anxiety. I'll run my haunts and let the endorphiones anesthetize me.
I'll start to write some good stuff soon. I gotta straighten out first my friends.
Reader Comments (4)
Preach on, brother. I was in a huge funk after MTB Nats last year and riding was my medicine. I realized I just need to ride my bike sometimes to ride my bike.
Sweet Dean Ti, BTW.
Rock on.
That Dean you see I bought in 1996. I threw on some of the newer stickers to freshener 'er up but that bike I will never, repeat, ever, sell. It's perfect.
Hey keller this is eric sandstrom, evan sandstroms little brother. You must check out todd wells blog.
two words. white sex.
These just scream your name - http://www.cyclingnews.com/tech.php?id=/photos/2008/tech/news/02-07/Ergo2carb_CAMPIONE_111
Start saving