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Ah, we're here. Spring. Sweetness. I celebrated the transition by adding motivation to my cockpit: Fresh white bar tape. Yum. It makes you feel faster....even when you are as pathetically behind the 8 Ball as I am these days.

I wonder what the equivalent of fresh white bar tape is for the working world. I need to spend some time thinking on that....

In at midnight last night again and awoke with a start literally thinking the hotel's alarm did not wake me up and I was late for a meeting. And there I was, in my own bed with the sweet sound of my children downstairs playing and the rustling of the newspaper in my wife's hands and the pitter patter of the puppies feet on the wood floor. That was a remedy in itself. I will be changing things soon so I can shut up about that side of my 3 part teeter totter which has been anchored on the ground...imbalancing everything.

With kids off to school, I suited up and grooved with the new white tape, thoughts about what to do and grooving amongst the trees spurting buds that are doing their damnedest to turn into full fledged flowers. So close. It's so close. What a time if I can execute on this escape. Spring is here.

Reader Comments (4)

Nice photo ,,,,,,,,,,what is that thing on your head? Ahhhh spring it has felt like spring in the rockys here...

March 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdevin

I cranked those out with a new BlackBerry Curve. Not a bad little camera. On my head?? Helmet, baby. S Works. The stuff growing out of it is my full up afro I need to have cut back into a high top fade. It's nappy.

March 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

the tape is pro, no doubt, but the up/forward facing front skewer? that'd be an aspiring_to_be_Cat_2?

March 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjsager

Sager you have OCD. You're eye for detail is only second to....well, mine! ALL my QR's are straight up! I learned my lesson with a horizontal backward facing QR back in the day on my MTB. Loosened, came off and I destroyed a wheel. I was fine but ever since then I've always put them straight up like that.

March 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

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