Bicycle-induced anesthesia
Friday was one of those days you don't want to have. It was a day where I needed to play manager and to a larger extent, overseer of our business. Issues arose and they needed to be solved to ensure continuity and at the core, a copacetic group of team members who can communicate and proceed to do the right thing for the business.
Drama must end. I needed to let someone go.
Terminating someone's employment is never easy. But each time I am forced to do this, or an old friend leaves this business, it is interesting in "modern times" how the right of passage (at least for me) in acknowledging the departure of a coworker is when I move them from the ''Work Folks" bucket to the "Friends" bucket in my IM's. Sad but true. The simple click/drag/drop from one simple IM bucket to another helps me with closure. At least I think it does. It sucks regardless.
What also helps me with tough weeks is turning the brain to channel zero as I write about constantly. I do this with rides....especially rides with those I consider close friends and team mates which always helps focus on them, and not 'real life' for a while. Today, il squadra's ride was super fun and fast and woodsy and windy....and epic. Today, we railed Hall Ranch with the Rocky Mounts boys (and girl!). More on this below by way of pictures.
Some other things that helped me fight through the toughness of the week: White Sex Arriveth. I laughed to myself when the box arrived from our team deal with Boulder Cycle Sport when I normally would have been a surly beeatch due to the work drama. I literally said to myself, "Ah, the white." And I laughed a laugh to myself.
My wife saw me holding the new white goodness while maniacally smiling, and made HUGE fun of me. "Ah, nice, Greg. More white shoes. You are a little bitch." And then I walked out to my workshop and laid the new set of Sidis by his brothers. And I realized, I am Imelda Frigging Marcos.....

Reader Comments (5)
dang, wish i could have been up there with the RM homies today. was a purty day, for sure. wind notwithstanding.
my son's team won their soccer game and played well, so that's good.
still not used to sharp's baggy pants. gotta get that boy straightened out...
I'm with ya on the Sidi thing, save for the whiteness. Here in VA, white loses vs mud every time.
This line cracked me up. "Ah, nice, Greg. More white shoes. You are a little bitch." Haven't been reading your blog long but am enjoying it a lot. Cheers. Sev.
You're a brother from another mother. But get your ass out with us soon! My boys have soccer too!
We'll make a style maven out of you yet. Like Michael Jordan, I'm almost on the game plan to use a fresh pair of shoes before each game.
Read on, Likely you'll be repulsed.
Okay, crank up the AFI and the IB-proofen. I am so fired up that my pic made M&C that I am going to do Kopp this weekend! (if I can do the baby handoff....)