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Oh Lordy, Spring has exploded and is showing us the first signs of summer. You know when there are like your 'top 5' days of the year, weather wise? Well, this was probably No. 2....only it is a staged No. 2 as it could be a No. 1 if all other days of the year fail to live up to the expectation. Sick. No wind. Fluffy clouds and cobalt blue sky.

The day had to be celebrated. Picking up Amy last night from her trip she demanded it of me to get out today. She just wanted full uninterrupted time with the boys and just be silent in and around the house with thoughts of her week. All is moving on, slowly.

The WB, Batey, Wals, FRZ, J-Fry and I got it on. Super Walker ++. We pushed out 4.5 hours and 5K of climbing...the WB and Batey: 6 hours and 7,100 feet. Monsters. Or Bastages. I wish I could have continued on with them! We were boys and railed it all. FRZ, stitches and all, put on a down hill clinic on his sponsored Giant Trance...along with no handed wheelies. Sick.

Unbelievably deep breaths today in these living lungs. It was so easy spinning today as it was inspired. Flag was less problematic for me and rolling the singletrack was so fun. It was...inspired.

Look at the pics below. Look at the smiles, my friends. Life. These boys inspire me every day.

Ride. Breathe. Laugh. Progress. Talk. Laugh. Oh, and laugh.

Reader Comments (5)

Damn I just got some white grips too - the Lizard Skins PEATY model. Dope.

May 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMike Ahrens

Mike, the bike is SICK. I can't stop riding it.

May 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

Greg, second week in a row i have seen riding walker;
but you keep riding the loop the girlie way(LOL)

rock on.


May 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Oh, come now V. You should have been with us for the entire journey man. Clockwise...counterclockwise. It's all good up there.

May 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

It is all good!


May 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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