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Road to Roubaix

The movie was a success last night. Pretty darn good little flick! Hearing Henk Vogels talk too was great. The man has some stories about Roubaix. Love that guy.

What also was cool was setting up a table for the Valmont Bike Park and inviting the hoards of movie goers to come in close and hear about the good stuff they are about to have at their disposal for off road riding...all for FREE. We had quite a few folks Buy Bricks as well right there on the spot...which was SUPER cool. Bliss had his laptop and aircard set up and we literally took orders! SO COOL. The community was pumped to hear about it.

Moving on, the wrist is healing but the ribs are giving me a horrible time. Ironically, I can ride OK without taking in huge breaths but sitting and sleeping are still tough. But alas, like a sick child home from school who's mom brings him a toy, so the White Sex have arriveth. Lance and the TRP gang provided me with this most unbelievable set of TRP EuroX Magnesium cross brakes. I have lusted these for some time....since I hear that they had taken all this consumer feedback and implemented SO MANY features to really move the ball forward. SICK! First, the weight is surreal. One would expect carbon to be this light. These, yes, are lighter. The adjustments are many. Barrell adjuster for micro adjustments to the straddle cable when you change wheels to accomodate for rim thicknesses as well as TOE IN! All the little things...

These babies will be going on my black Rock Lobster and I'll be moving the EuroX Carbons to my white one.

More stuff to do to get ready for cross in terms of body and bike. First, get healthy.

Reader Comments (5)

Greg- try wrapping your whole core with an ace bandage. Only for limited periods of time though because it can cause pnemonia if your lungs don't contract enough. Anyway, the ribs are brutal. just be thankful you don't have them in the middle of winter. The cold hurts BAD !!! GO VALMONT PARK!!!! RSTEVE

August 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

hey are you guys selling that sweet Valmont tshirt in the picture???

August 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

the last two seasons i have had broken ribs, four at a time, so i feel your pain. i am back from sea level(3 weeks away) and i did manage to do some secret cross training in Sanibel Fl LOL Can't wait for sunday since i just talked to dubba and he said you have upped the pace.


August 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Dude, do you realize we didn't spin the fat tires ONCE together this year? There's something wrong with that. Thanks for the advice!

You know, a batch was made to give to those who purchased bricks for the park, but producing them for sale may not be a bad idea! I'll check into it....

Dubba knows not what he says. Ha! I'm slow burning into the season, kid. See you Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

August 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

I have some new lust coming for you soon...

August 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKP

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