CX Clinic No. 1! This Wednesday Aug 27th
Don't be this guy this season:Come this Wednesday evening to the first in a series of clinics. Be at Boulder Cycle Sport at 5:45 for an hours worth of instruction on 'cross fundamentals. All skill levels and all ages welcome.
Bring a bike (cross, or mountain with no bottle cages or bar ends), some water and a good attitude.
Reader Comments (14)
Such a bummer to see that this is no longer a RM function... We're sad to see you go Keller.
Aww shucks, Huge. I could care what color uniform you are anyone else is wearing....just so long as you know not to look like that guy in the pic! Ha! Come on out and get your hup-hup on.
I think I know what's going on here. Those Surleys are simply too heavy to lift over the barriers, so this gentleman had to get creative with his technique ;)
Is this free, or...? Can't find details on the BCS site.
looks to me like he trying to keep that bike away from his hairy legs.
Geoff, the clinic is free! Meet up at the shop and we'll head out to our chosen spot to cross at roughly 6 PM. We'll go for about an hour.
Count me in! are we also doing a Wed World session that morning?
what/where are the details of the wednesday world's again? am i correct in assuming that's not an invite-only type event?
Wed AM bike practice is a loose consortium of cross geeks. It has no formalization, just people on a bike ride. It meets at Amante at 8 and will proceed from there for a couple of hours. Rides are generally on the dirt roads for now until the places to cross are solidified.
Re Wednesdays: What kind of rides we talkin here? Barfers? Cruisers? Somewhere in between?
This isn't the legendary Crack ride you're talking about, is it?
YOu guys going to address the "mud run" issue at your skills clinic -- as seen in this video?
(Look for it about halfway through, after most of the pack has gone through the climb.)
For Wed rides, bring your hup.
As for the run up instruction, nothing can train your for preparing for a race! Bring a set of frigging toe spikes! That hill was nothing compared to the run up in Aptos, CA. Straight up, muddy and Poison Oak lined.
would you mind giving a quick rundown on what we'll be learning?
Whatup, Noob?
Tonight we'll be doing some basic skills intros...LITERALLY stuff that I still use to keep sharp (and was out there early this AM practicing!). Much of the instruction will be around 'transitioning'...e.g. approaching barriers, getting off the bike, getting through the barriers and the re-mount. The take-a-ways will be slow speed skills to practice which you can use to learn the appropriate techniques.
Come on down!