BCSCX Clinic No. 1!
What a phenomenal turnout last night! Thank you all for coming! I think there were between 35-40 people. Sick. We had so much fun getting our 'cross on. 10 year old kids to Open/Pro level racers were in attendance, listening attentively to the instruction going on...instruction designed to make the experience of cyclocross more enjoyable...and make Colorado racers FASTER!
Last night we covered a lot...and will be reviewed next 'class' (next Wednesday at 5:50 PM at Boulder Cycle Sport). Last night we dove into:
- Dismounts
- Porting
- Remounts
Of course, some digital celluloid!:

Reader Comments (2)
Greg, thank you so much for last nights clinic...that was awesome. Now all i can think about is cross. the work day is shot and so is my inner thigh from the remount repeats :)
You and Brandon are incredible instructors. see you out there next week!
Hey Zach! Glad you enjoyed it! You had the Nys form goin' on. Killer!
Remember to SLIDE into that seat when you remount...not jump!
'Cross on.