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Wednesday Worlds - Week 3

I know why I love Boulder. The weather's good. The people are rad. But it's the psychotic passion for biking that blows my mind. And 'cross is the absolute example of this utter geekdom.

I love it.

Wednesday's Worlds were bar none (and I know I keep saying this), the largest yet. I counted no less that 83 men and women ready to mix it up at Session 1. Crazy. The early morning hupsters got their fill today with Baldwin and Justin England from Toyta United, Phil Zajicek from Health Net, Coyle and team mates from Successful Living and of course ex Boulderite and "Patron Saint of the 69'er" Travis Brown.

Throw down in pain city. Sexcellent.

We got our first session on at Research Center. Paco dialed in the course again and we threw it down hard with attacks everywhere including run ups. I held well in the mix of the top guys...and we literally started lapping people. I think the roadies were taking it safe and watching us as the scrum got more and more intense with each lap.

We finished up and headed en masse to Elks and threw it large again on our favorite loop. Last session, Travis blew a seal I think on a jump, but this time I just sat in and watched how absolutely amazing this guy is. Trust me, my heart was in my throat as we grooved it but I just wanted to study the master in action. The lines chosen and the way he apexes in and out of these lines is so logical and flowy that you can see seconds shave as they happen. What was a foot of distance coming into a turn is suddenly six feet and the need for me to burn matches to bridge. Moving here a some years ago now, when the Wednesday Worlds were like 25 people...including Gully and Travis before they both moved away...I was in awe. And never even near them from the sound 'go'! It was satisfying to be able to be out front and truly enjoying the lessons laid out for me today. Benefits of working harder and being able to see how things really can work and should work in your style and technique.

Always learning....

Anyways, epic early AM. Digital celluloid for your viewing pleasures.

Phil Z
The crew at Elks that could fit in my lens...
Matt Opp's fashion statement
The crew at Elks
Plo's new Ti ride
Pete's war face
Boups and Bobby
Justin E. I raced this dude as a 3 in California. Umm, he's come a looong way! Nice work.
Milling about the Research Park
Successful Living Legend Chuck Coyle
Phil Z in the house
Mike West and Hopwood

Reader Comments (3)

One hell of a mecca, I have never seen such a huge turn out,, outside of a race venue. You all have the right Idea and zip code.. Enjoy and go fast.

September 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdevin

Oh I miss it so much! The geezers here in MA don't believe me when I tell them how rad it was. I gotta move back to Boulder.

September 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZV

Radda has a team? Forget gear discounts and entry fees -- I want subsidized Garganelli al Cinghiale!

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPhil

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