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Picture Rock

Today is MLK Day, a National Holiday. For many it is a day off of work, for others it's business as usual. Pete and I both had to punch in to the clock at our respective quarries today but not before we got in a little pre-work ride in the still insane January weather out here in Boulder: 65 and sunny!

We hit Picture Rock Trail, having started from Heil and it was spicy. Dry and flowy and epic. Perfect. Pete was instrumental in the development of Picture Rock and now Valmont Bike Park as one of the most sought after trail designers in the country. It's great riding with him as he'll tell you everything on the history of the land, to the challenges in getting approvals for trails, to the type of rock we're riding over to making trails sustainable. Long live IMBA!

If you want to see a great gallery of the building of Picture Rock, hit Mountain Bike Mike's Picassa gallery. I just snapped a few...

The Great Wall of Heil
Pete waxing poetic on the nuances of trail building
The Great Wall if Heil....close up.

Reader Comments (1)

"65 and sunny!" I hate(really just jealous as hell) you more everyday! Your in freaking Colorado its supposed to be cold. Actually you have the same temps us us in the Big MO usually. I say usually since we're not getting any 60 degree days just sub zero days, ARRGH!

January 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScottyD

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