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How Valentine's Day was spent...

It is extremely safe to say that Amy and I are 'anti-holiday' types. Love is a 24/365 day, in fact, takes no holidays as far as we are concerned. We inject it into our lives everyday, well, because we l-o-v-e each other and don't need some contrived Hallmark card to express what we can say to each other every day. I mean, wouldn't you rather say the words you mean, rather than having them created for you by some college intern at some mega-card company who's going to smoke a bowl and party with his college buds that night....just as soon as he finishes his latest creation...

Love. It continues to blossom between you and I like the flower I gave you the night we first met.

GAG. I thought so. So, Amy and I went for a ride....

We hooked up a snowy Hall Ranch and finished up with a Valentine's lunch at Oskar Blues. Some Leroy Browns and some soup....yum. The ride was such a purge for us. The tension has built again on Side 3 of the Three Part Teeter Totter and it's scraping the and riding not being able to re-balance things for me....for us. I will say though that it isn't for a lack of trying and pushing....if not simply flicking...the dominoes we need in our family to instigate the change we so desire.

Believe in it.

Watching my lady ride is something else. She drilled it in pretty adverse conditions at Hall with snow covering most of the ride. She's not used to it but was PRO as she navigated all of the madness back there. We just took it all in and again embraced life...our kids....the family and life we've made...and the promise of things yet to come here in Boulder. It's good. Scratch that: it's great.

Yes. This is Colorado.
My Ahrens Revolver 29'er may undergo a 1 x 1 conversion. Stay tuned.
Self port.
Amy in awe of the beauty today.


Valentine's Day lunch...

My love...laying wood on the MTB today.

Long's Peak. a 14'r in our back yard.

At peace.

Amy at Hall 1 from Gregory Keller on Vimeo.

Reader Comments (4)

That's the way to spend a made up "pseudo-holiday". Damn Card Mafia.

February 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScottyD

Amen brother. My wife and I have a similar agreement, no VD or "Sweetest Day". We both agree that those type of holidays are all about corporate revenue generation... Glad to see you and the Missus got some nice "QT" in. Fight The System!

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternoslo

Great call on the Valentines Day mumbo-jumbo. Ask my lovely wife and she will say the same.
A 1x1? Get'er done today, as I am heading to do the Heil/Hall on the 29 SS.

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBobbyDiesel

So jealous. We spent our valentine's day getting one of our animals back from the hospital, after a $5,000 round of treatment. Yep. Next day I put the road bike and the powertap on ebay, sent a "dear john" letter to the coach, and pushed back plans for a new MTB -- pushed them way back.

I am bumming, as you may guess.

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPhil

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