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There will be...

...time for me to make what I want to happen, happen.

...balance for me to feel like I'm what I want to be.

...enough energy to make the three-sided teeter totter balance again.

...friends who will not abandon me unless I finish what I started. And even if I fail, they'll give me a hand-up.

...a feeling of raising m hands above my head again; in some way.

...faster. Stronger. Fitter. Wiser. cancer to catch me.

...fleet feet to drive me.

...wisdom and kindness to guide me.

...significantly good beer to ease me.

It's so time.

Reader Comments (3)

Thumbs up to that!

February 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSonya

Well said. I'm stealing it, Is it yours or some one else?

Best of luck in all that you do.


March 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGRIESE.JASON.A

WHatup Jason. It's mine, yes. If I leverage another's content (words. vids, pics, etc), it will always be linked back and credited. Please do the same!

March 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

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