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I think i'm on to something here....

OK, so my lust for white Sidi's runs deep. That's obvious. But I think the whiteness is going to play itself out eventually. So what's next? We've had discussions on this here blog about florescents coming back, red making it's way to the fore, even Mavic with their new shoe line and it's patented yellow making it REALLY easy to spot. Hell, I even though Orange was coming into range when Specialized launched their shoe line some time ago.

But I think I got it: The Sidi Vernice in patent leather BLACK. Retain the white appointments to that thing and ka-BLING: *the* next generation Sidi Dragon and trend setting shoe styling. C'mon Sidi! Deliver me that sexy goodness!

OK, I'm going to ride my bike and rehabilitate from this shoe fetish.


Ho-lee-crap. I didn' think Sidi woudld respond to me this quickly....kiding. BUT my Sidi aradar picked up THESE today at the Monte Pasche:

Note what our man Francesco Ginanni is sporting. The EXACT shoes I'm talking' about!

Nice Sidi. I take a 46.5.



Photo ©: Sirotti/

Reader Comments (4)

I stock piled some all white euro Sidi's myself, but might get a pair of the red/white S-works from Dubba.

March 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkp

Yeah, i've got some basically unused white sex dragons as well. I shoudl be OK fr next season....ha! While I am a massive fan of specialized, I am still suspect of the enclosure/ratchet system. I saw too many fail this past season along with sole failures (around the toe spikes). I LOVE the styling and the uppers are pretty bomber and I am confident they'll remedy the stuff I saw.

March 7, 2009 | Registered CommenterGreg Keller

Oh snap. Never to be outdone, the always-inspecting eyes of a certain Mr. P to the Lo have discovered my mistake! Ginanni's Sidi's aren't black, they're PURPLE! Sic. Look at the photo here and check 'em out! And note the matching purple bar tape. PRO!

March 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGreg K

the Dragons are the standard by which all others are measured. However, for $400-$500 (ok, I know NO ONE who reads your blog pays retail), the circular ratchet is very poorly designed. I am on my third pair, and the small metal pin keeps wanting to slide out. Sure I can press it back in, but for that kinda money it's not ideal.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjeff c

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