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Wednesday Worlds Week 1 | True Soldiers

It was like 6:25 this AM as I threw on the ‘backback-o-barriers’ and took my sluggish, half-sleepy, non-‘morning meeting’ body (you all know what the morning is right?) down to Amante. I was convinced it’d be me and maybe two other hard cores out there beating the snot out of each other in these pre-season days.

And then…like a mirage…as I rolled into the meet-up spot, my peeps were all there. Laid out in front of me. Family. Nearly 30 of us there today…the hard workin’ stiffs who need the juice before going into the coal mines for the day. The excitement was in the air….conversations of gear, re-uniting with friends haven’t seen since last season. Cross is here and the people need their cross.

We hit up Elks for a couple of deep sessions. The engine felt pretty damn good and the early morning training is he;ping out a lot. My body is fresher and I am getting a much higher quality depth in the legs than years prior.

Oh, and the equipment dudes are rolling on this year: unbelievable. People have their cross machines DIALED in. For many, it is their pride and joy of the stable. Sound familiar?

Digital celluloid:


We all had sleep in our eyes…


One of MANY Ridley’s out there. WAY more than I’ve seen in year’s past.


Part of the crew…along with another variant of the port-o-barriers!




The Working Man’s Crew.


Brian’s Ibis. It has gold bottle mount bolts.


More carbon bling. The Time Cross Machine.


Ridley X-Fire Exhibit A


Ridley X-Fire Exhibit B


Ridley X-Night Exhibits A and B. Boing!

Ironically, the Working Man’s Wednesday Worlds intersected with a long standing Wednesday AM road group ride…and my man and boss-man Walter Knapp is part of that throw down. Note he sponsored this RAD Panache kit (see the Lijit Logos??).


And LASTLY, spotted in the Back Woods of Maine. One of the woodsman up there was spotted in an M & C lid!


Reader Comments (7)

Totally jealous of what you guys have going on in Boulder. Tried to get something similar started here in Ottawa. But everyone here wants to train in "secret". So very not cyclo-cross... Oh well, can't do much about it. Kurt is looking smooth in his hat.
Let me know when you start shipping the Hup Hup gear to Canada! Happy training - I'll channel your group riding vibes into my solo training rides!

August 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVicki

cool as usual. i hope to make one of these...would just need to leave Breck at 4:30 one morning!

clicking on the pics to see larger prompting me to save them. running: application/octet-stream. seems odd to me.

August 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjeff c

Which Amante and what time?

August 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRob

By Elks, you mean the double track across from Marshall Mesa? Looking for some routes for the CX bike. (new to the area)

What you all have going is amazing! Props, man!

August 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDave

Thanks for all you do! Inspiration and motivation abound on your site.
I've been dialing the bike, setting up a practice course, and thinking 'bout my own set of port o' barriers.
Hup Hup!

August 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRobC

Damn straight, Rob! We all need a little inspiration every now and we;re expecting you to create those port o barriers and get some other disciples to your local 'church'.

Hup hup!

August 28, 2009 | Registered CommenterGreg Keller

Wish I could have been there, I have crosswalk duty on Wednesday mornings.

August 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter303Cycling

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