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Durango to Flagstaff | The road trip continues

On the road again, I just can't wait to git on the road again...

Yesterday was Durango to Flagstaff AZ. Fantastic drive seeing parts of teh country I've never been able to before. Surreal landscapes that went from desert to volcanic moonscapes to high elevation forest. Amazing.

Today I'm in route to Vegas. 250 miles and I should be there early. I have some meetings for work which I am excited about and my co-worker Perry is in flight to meet me today.

Dubba FINALLY gets here tomorrow and I am missing my compatriot. We're going to get our cross on.

Lastly my latest VeloNews diary is up and live! You can read the story of meeting Bryce Wright of AZ Bikes here in Flagstaff. Also, click on the picture above to see my Flickr album from the photos from yesterday.

Stay tuned!

Reader Comments (5)

Hey shouldn't you be like watching the road or something? Best of luck in Vegas to you, Weber, Boups, Dubba, Baker, etc ad nauseum!

September 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLane

Greg, Check out the Venetian for me. Love to take a gondola ride and walk around St. Mark's Square. I'm afraid I will not get back to Venice and Hotel Excelsior so I'll dream a little in Vegas. Take care and catch a show if you can. Love, LMom

September 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGrandma Keller

Great Ride -I lived in AZ for years you might lie Sedona and Jerome

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermarshal sandler

oh man, I missed you in Durango, but saw you racing in Vegas. Good, crazy fun. I came away from Durango with six stitches!

September 28, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterisaias

Glad you enjoyed your stopover here in Flag. Just to let you know that the Livewrong SS cruiser parked outside the PaynTake is a Steve Garro built Coconino Cycles work of art.

October 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

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