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My head is back to where my heart is


I find myself drifting to Josh Duplechian's site to review his beautiful photos...crisply capturing evrything I love about the sport. As I've mentioned over and over, the racing is only one aspect of the sport I love. In reality, it's all the small details. The smell of the embro, seeing my friends each week, the drive to the event.

You all know precsicely what I am talking about.

I'm there again, mentally at least, which is all I need to drive the corpse faster in the summer heat. Weight shedding, deep thinking, long days. My clavicle reminds me that it's still there, still sore, yet mending. Don't fall now. It's all fantastic to feel when everything is going so fast and with mad uncertainty these days in my 'real' life. My sport, it's still there for me and I am grateful.

The season is coming. Things are different. Specified training will be pushed much deeper into the season this year which is testament of my 'maturing' (read: graying hair) and the fact that the excitement I feel for cross by June (which is typically transferred into intervals all at the wrong time), will finally be pushed out to when I need it. I get fit super fast, but lose it super fast as well. So it's time to grow up a bit and have patience. Who knows how it will all go but one thing is or sure, I will be racing and racing hard.

Before we know it the leaves will have changed and you'll be hearing your tires tear through the mud; the sounds of the pneumatic pumps wailing dialing in pressures; the ubiquitous cowbells deafening everything.

I can't wait. Game on.


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