I’m halfway.
As I breathe in deep to reflect…even for a moment on this busy day…I am lucky. So lucky.
40 years today.
Why is this number so important to people? My mind and my body are convinced they’re 26. Yes, reminders of my aging corpus nudge me back to reality some days…but I am thoroughly enjoying this life and the urge to keep driving. Keep going. Keep pushing. Keep living.
I’m halfway.
To where? I am not sure. An age? A point in life? If I apply some linear thinking to ‘halfway’ and what it may mean, I can feel comfort in knowing I’m halfway to seeing my dad again. That makes me infinitely happy. It’s hard to describe.
I’m halfway.
In this time, I’ve been blessed with a marriage that I thought only existed in poetry. My marriage. A marriage that for the last decade has me still so deeply, madly, in love with her…and ‘us.’ Amy, you are what drives me. You are what I do this all for. You are why I live inspired.
I’m halfway.
Two amazing little men. My sons. Aiden and Seamus. In this ‘halfway’ point, I look and reflect on who they are and how I am amazed to have them in our lives. What they’re becoming. How they see me. How I must behave and act to show them what’s right and to be men some day. For those reading this blog for some period, you’ll already know this was all started for them. As a record from a father to his sons on this amazing period in my life…our lives. So they may be able to glean some feeling of this period. And hopefully be proud of me.
I’m halfway.
I am in awe of the amazing people I am surrounded by in this life and the fact that I can call them my friends. I am driven to try my best to do great things…as I see and am inspired by all of what you do in your lives. I love you like true brothers and sisters.
I’m halfway.
No. No I am not. I’m already there. Living it. Not rushing. Smiling as it unfolds.
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