Cross Racing Week 3 and 4 | The mall, first snow and horse poop
Some much to little time to say it! Life is on overdrive these days. We are 'that family'...but in a good way I hope: work setting a huge Jens-like tempo, our kids needing to go to 10 different practices all over town, all of us exhausted when we flop in to bed. The Keller family wouldn't have it any other way. But, as I talk about the 'luxury' of living at our frenetic pace, my mind drifts back to Amy D...and it level-sets me. Grounds me into being satisfied and happy with the frenzy we live in...because we can.
I can ride my bike with my friends on weekends in awesome parks. And drink beer afterwards. And laugh and hug. I never forget that. Neither should you.
The racing the last few weeks has really been fun. New courses and premature snows! It's crazy to think we've still got 12 weeks to go! I wrapped up the last few weekends into one mega-post. Text minimal, pictures maximal....
Cyclo-X Flat Irons Mall | Sept 29th
The last time this event came to town, the clavicle was in pieces. Never got to participate. I was more than pleasantly surprised to race this course. One that was as 'bike driver' favored as could be. Chicanes, high speed had it all. Including treacherously wet early morning grass...
Many called the course 'brutal'....but these are the courses that favor me. Technical driving and on/off bike are what I live for....
I'd give myself a B for the day. 9th. Riding fairly well, not many mistakes but still trying to race into shape. It's a long season.
When we were finished, it was time to switch hats...into Coach Keller for our BJC kids. The boys had an absolute blast on the course, with Aiden taking the win and Seamus taking a top 10. Super proud as always of the boys.
Frisco CX | October 5th
It came. EARLY! The Robson's and Kellers stayed in Frisaco overnight. The drive up was treacherous and the next morning unveiled the first snows and bitter temps. 18deg at race time (8am) at 9,000 feet. Below is the paved climb section which took everything to hang on to...
I ended up 10th on the day, not terribly motivated and distracted when I tore open my brand new BCS/YogaGlo Castelli skinsuit (just out of the package from Brandon) and my mind when into the snowy clouds the rest of the race. Amateurish, I know. But hypoxia and not feeling super can do that to you.
Primalpalooza | October 6th
24 hours later - bliss. Perfect temps and a brand new course. I cleaned up the bikes after the Frisco challenge and got a good sleep. Hungry to have some fun. This new course at Jeffco Fairgrounds was interesting....and fun in my opinion. It had lots of great turns, punchy climbs and crowd spectating points. I would have been fine not having to deal with driving through horse-poop laden water, goat heads and meth addicts yelling obscenities to anyone getting near their trailer encampments. But I digress. The Primal folks did a great job.
No pics of my race (not enough photogs out at 8am!) but raced super well to another 9th, satisfied with the effort and the way I drove.
Coaches hat on, I took the kids on their pre-ride. Lots of smiles....
The 10-12 race was another barn burner. Aiden setting an incredible pace early on...with only 2 other kids able to stay with him...
Seamus has been on fire as well in the 10-12s. As a true 9 year old...on an MTB....he's been consistently in the top 10. All due to his phenomenal form. I LOVE watching these kids!!!
This crew of podium kids are going to be a spectacle to watch as they get older. They create some of the best racing action EVERY weekend...
On to the Boulder Cup weekend. We'll see how a week off the bike does me. Yes, I said that.
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