Mat Barlow's Worlds vid
Man, oh, man today is a day of re-casts of other folk's material, but I've gotta post this. Nice work Mat. Thanks for passing it to me today in your comment earlier! What is most impressive is the HD quality of the vid which loses very little in terms of quality when maximized. I'd like to know what kind of camera you are using. If we chalk Chance's vid up to artistic experimentation, Mat's is sort of like 'real time/real sound' from the event. Cool all around. Nice work Mat!
2008 Cyclocross World Championships Treviso Italy from Mat Barlow on Vimeo
More of the CycloBraaap
So my boy from KC, Kal, sent me some fantastic pics of our time in Mol. But I've been watching this photographer's site and he now has some great photos of the Flanders Indoor 'Cross you should scope out. This town of Hasselt was close to where we were camped out in Blauberg.
Check out his 'cross galleries here.
Chance's worlds vid...
Chance Noble has assembled a really spectacular vid of this year's worlds and more. It's great because it's all the 'little moments'...not the usual shots you'd expect. Plus, the music was spot on. Again, not what you'd expect and wove itself perfectly through that vid. It's what I like to shoot as well and try and convey. Thanks Gewilli for passing that are the true hub.
Indoor CycloBraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!
Now why in the WORLD are we not doing that here in the states?? Especially in wintry places like CO and New England where it would be rad to see some races put on inside small arenas. Think about it: "Raaaaaaaaaaaace fans! Sunday! SUNDAY! Arena-cross!" Yeah, the logistics of bringing in a bunch of dirt and building fly overs may be tough, but if the Flemish can do it...c'mon! I recall the Flanders Indoor CX event launching last year and probably posted something on it (and from what I hear, it's total exhibition with the winner, uh, 'known' well in advance of the race.
Reading about last night's race (actually it's a series of heats contested in a main event....motocross style), it is AWESOME to see the show these guys put on. It reminds me of how I like to ride short track....with a little bit of flair you normally just don't get to do in a cross race! Rad to see.
Hmm, I gotta talk to Chris....
Check it.
Thanks for coming!
Wow! What a COOL night! Thanks to you all who came to hear some stories from the 'old men' about this adventure we went on to Za Motherland. The turnout was fantastic and we were able raise some great coin for the CLIF Bar Cyclocross Development Team. Sweet!
At the end of the proverbial day, I hope people had fun and could here the 'subtle' messages of things that I learned....and is at the heart of what I wanted to relay:
a) Trips like this aren't just for pros
b) The racing is just 1 aspect of the trip. Keeping your head up and 'seeing' is more important and seeing that culture woven through the races and racers themselves is what must be tasted.
c) Cross is life. You need to go.
Thanks to all the supporters of the Slide Show Fundraiser! Chris King, New Belgium Brewery, CLIF Bar, Izze, and Rocky Mounts! People were stoked for their prizes and we thank you all for your kind donations.
Some digital celluloid of the night!
Master's Worlds Fundraiser/Slideshow Tonight!
Taking place at the hallowed halls of BCS in North Boulder. Be there to help support Ben's CLIF Bar Cyclocross Program with a $5 suggested donation and entry into the raffle for some cool schwag from Chris King, Rocky Mounts and more!
Dubba's last Chocolate, Waffles...
...and Cross article from za Motherland never showed up on the production VeloNews website. It is however on their new beta site. Weird.
Chocolate, Waffles & 'Cross: Bye-bye, Belgium
It’s rather comical how meticulously I pack my bikes and gear for a big race trip, such as this recent adventure to Belgium. Everything is cleaned, wrapped, folded, and hermetically sealed, then put in its perfect place.
However, on the return leg of trips such as this one, it’s a different story.
I just finished packing my bikes and gear for the long trip back to the States following my last cyclocross race of the 2007-08 season, and basically it looks as though a bomb exploded in my bike case and duffel bag. I pity the person at airport security who inspects my duffel bag, which has been stuffed to the gills with dirty cycling clothes, wet socks and muddy shoes. At the end of an epic week of slogging through thick Belgian mud, my luggage weighs about 10 pounds more than when I left. Although, it might have something to do with all the Belgian chocolate I am bringing home.
Continue reading za rest here....
I'm on sabbatical folks. I am going to finally take some time off and maybe do me some hiking and enjoy some of the natural surroundings here in our home. I've got this feeling inside me that I've got to push back which is to 'keep going. keep going!!' I call that the badness. On a sprint Sunday, I cranked out 1600 + w for a 300m sprint. In some sense that's cool and I'm probably on my way to another mini peak, but it amounts to nothing at the wrong time and I've got to release and let it go and get out of the tunnel vision I have around keeping at the sharp end of the fitness scale. Maybe we need a Peak Season series here in CO. Hmm....
I'm going to finally be building up that Ahrens two-niner I've been anxious to since Mike sent it to me this fall. I'm so looking forward to getting my groove back with this new bike. I have that addictive craving to get back in the woods this Spring and groove in the trees. The roadie taught me things last year about myself but it became a slavery tool. I need to get beck to where I came from.
Hope you local folks can make it this Thursday to Boulder Cycle Sport! The good people at New Belgium Brewery have donated the fine stuff for us and Chris King (which every single one of my bikes have...including one on my single speed from 1996 which is ROCK SOLID....but why am I telling you all know Chris King''s quality) has donated a Belgium Flag colored headset in honor of Za Trip for one of you lucky folks to walk away with as a raffle prize! THANKS TO YOU NEW BELGIUM AND CHRIS KING!!!
Oooooh. Shocker. Boom won. Who'da guessed that one? Honestly, I'm stoked for him and the Dutch. Lars oozes class and now has accrued all kinds of world champion stripes. Good on him.
The interesting parts beyond Lars winning though are:
a) Stybar. Another world champ (U23) and is going to do something special next year. His Kalmthout win this year was huge and next year I think he can pull a rabbit out. 5 seconds behind Boom today is insurance of the kids abilities. My man Klaas didn't follow through for me this year the way I thought he was going to but a win at Torhout and a top 10 today ensured his great season.
b) The time gaps were SO SMALL! You've all seen CyclingNews by now and the deltas between riders were nuts! the Top 25 all cam in within 1 minute behind Lars.
c) Rhinos! Who was not using them today? You'd be crazy not to especially with that 45 degree off camber grass slope and that crazy hill climb.
Congrats Netherlands!