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Entries in cyclocross courses (1)

The State of Cross

There is nothing more to say as far as I am concerned. It's here. Cross is here and is popping up in corners of our country that less than 3 years ago, wouldn't know a cross from a cross-walk. It's assuming control! The genius of the sport has reached critical mass: its shortness yet its epic-ness. Its attraction for the workin' (wo)man...less training, more fun, being competitive, family and friends seeing you muddy and filthy every 7 minutes or so each lap. The radness of the equipment. It's all a cocktail of beauty for the cyclist.

It's all coming to a head.

Exhibits A:
Alpenrose had 1267 racers this weekend per my main honkey Chris DiStefano this weekend out in Portland. And clearly, this is an age old hub of cross, but the numbers are out of hand. Holy absolute CRAP! Something has been added to the PDX water system for that many disciples. Grab some eye candy of the spectacle here....

Exhibit B:
My friend Blair Oxford from the South East in the epically beautiful and funky town of Savannah GA have announced their upcoming cross race, the Superprestige! Part of the Georgia Cross series. And yes, the course features ALL of my 'gotta haves'...barriers, sand traps and YES, a FLYOVER!

See their picture collection here. Amazing. I'm gonna have to go and race that thing one of these days! PDX races have featured a flyover recently too. Man, Boulder/Denver needs to GET CREATIVE!

Amazing for me to see this growth. Louisville KY, we want to see some pics from your growth! I'm hearing all kinds of stories, but no joy on teh visual tip! Send me pics!