Entries in Mini Crossers (3)
It's all a bit too much for me...
It's late. I must not be seeing straight. Is Mini-Sven actually as PRO as he appears? Holy GOD check out the Joe Namath's! If you get your hands on one of the early season 07/08 DVD's (I forget which one...maybe Koksijde? I will have to re-watch) but they have some pre-race video of Mini-Sven with a circle of people surrounding him as he sports a replica of his dad's UCI leader's kit and he's performing the most fluid dismount/remounts...Sven Van-t style (southpaw). Sick.I will clearly have to continue the 5AM daily 'cross drills with my boys. It's clear the competition is good. Damn good.
"But daddy, it's cold outside and there's no light"
"Shut up kid and drink your Chimay and get out there. Hup hup, now. Hup hup."
Seattle has NOTHING on Boulder 'cross
Alright, "Seattle's Finest." After being inspired by watching his nemeses in Seattle get rad and all 'cross like at a ridiculously young age, my 3 year old decided to start training. Look out world:
What did YOU do to get ready for 'cross today> This 3 year old is getting 'er done.
OK, the Pacific NW is SERIOUS about their cross
Check this sheeit out that Molly Cameron sent to me in a post below. Unbelievable. I need to get my Boulder-based bambinos all sorts of 'crossed up soon to compete against this kind of talent!! I guess we have altitude on our side, but this little champ has skeeeewz: