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Entries in mud and cowbells (3)

Happy 3rd Birthday M & C | What next?

This whole blogging thing started three years ago for me on a whim and I've documented plenty of times previously what the inspiration was. I would simply document the path to getting to Master's Worlds in Belgium and then jettison the blog once my mission was complete.

But alas it's still here and the fun in writing has never waned. The single most important aspect however are the connections between real people. I truly feel the power of what the internet could be (or should be) by writing truthfully and growing connections between people (me included!) that feel the same way and share similar experiences. It's an awesome, truly awesome, thing to experience.

I am not sure where all this is going to go but am envisioning the next evolution of Mud and Cowbells. I envision a growing group of authors, an evolution of the blogging platform to involve more video and of course a growth in our community of 'crossers....especially the ones who have to struggle to balance to fit it all in. The working, the life responsibilities to family or school and of course the racing and joy of being on the bike.

Thank you all for reading regularly and I will do my damnedest to try and keep you entertained!

Mud and Cowbells on the Right Coast

Shotty getting it done East Coast style training hard for 'cross. Giddy up!

Welcome to Mud and Cowbells 2.0!

Well, after 2 years and 900+ posts, 225,000+ visitors and nearly 500,000 page views, it was time to 'upgrade' to new pastures. And so, I welcome you to the NEW Mud and Cowbells!

The whole change was inspired as I needed a blogging environment which allowed me greater flexibility in layout, significantly easier content publishing in addition to offering a wider variety of features for my readers to enjoy. This site will grow in features over time, but hopefully, already, you've seen some of them!

Some things to highlight for you: 

a) Bookmark the domain going forward. That's all you need to get to M&C! the site will remain, albeit stagnant, so ensure you book mark this new, simpler URL.

b) Note the new features! There is a new Forum feature, a section dedicated to Sponsors to learn about products and other new features which will come on line over time.

I thank you ALL who have read my rants over the years and hope this new site makes it even easier and more fun to get all 'crossy.

My best,
