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How to build your own port-o-barriers (BostonCross style)

So, I'm thinking I am all that plus tax in designing my little PVC training barriers when I see a google alert sniff out this gem from the lads of BostonCross. Their approach is fairly straightforward but require the need to 'stake' themselves into the ground where mine use a legged approach. You can see the article here on their great 'cross focused site. Or I've JPG'd their freely accessible PDF here:
What did you do today to get ready for 'cross?

Reader Comments (2)

love your blog! sending 'cross love from new england. :)

July 31, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca

Rad! Welcome to the electroinic version of the passion I've had for the last 10 years. As a former crusty East Coaster myself, I will give you permission to hang out here based solely on your potential yet still unconfirmed crustiness. Ha! Kidding. Hope you 'cross it up hard this season Rebecca.

July 31, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

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