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De Ronde

Doing my blog surf this AM, a video Molly (get well Mol! I'm in the same boat...) linked to brought shivers up my spine. And this is an ad for a NEWSPAPER! Honestly, this is how in-grained cycling is for the Flandrians.

Reader Comments (7)

keller, that vid is sick. that's why we love those crazy "schlug's" (as Bobke refers to the crazed Belgians), everything turns to the bike. God bless De Ronde!

March 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBolivar

I love that video! And those who can't make it to the major races to spectate, take the day off from work to watch it on TV. As i type this, i'm watching the final stage of Paris-nice on regular TV. They just crossed the finish line. I look forward to the day when they show cycling on TV in USA.
On a side note (a shameless plug), i wrote all about what it's like to race regularly in belgium in the newest cyclocross magazine.

March 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPEANUT

holy F that's AWESOME

March 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergewilli

I'm going to borrow, steal, post that vid. I keep finding myself at the RVV site, spending too much time looking at the google map of the course.

In less than 3 weeks, I'm doing exactly what those people are doing in the video. After riding the cobbles myself.

be well.

March 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMRussell

Where were the images of the fans smoking along the race course...that would really get the true feeling of a race in Flanders going. less than 3 weeks...

March 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSAMBO

Last year, on a misty Sunday morning in Brugge, I walked out of my hotel and out to the car park area where the teams were assembled. The sun was coming up and riders were headed down the small cobbled street to the sign in shell at the Grote Markt. We went into a small cafe right at the fence line ringing the car park, and ordered Belgian breakfast. A couple of pieces of bread, Nutella, and some coffee. The guys at the next table were softly mumbling among themselves, while they worked thier way through the second round of beer. They ordered another round as we munched and watched the crowd. The temperature never rose a degree, and it seemed to get mistier as the day started to advance. We finished our breakfast, and enjoyed the third cup, as our friends at the next table had their fifth.
We watched the crowd of riders head down towards the Grote Markt, and then raced to our rental waiting in the garage below the car park. We drove out of town, headed south towards Roeselarae, as the mist thickened and the temperature started to drop. Another glorius day at the start of the Ronde.

March 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Daaaaamn, Taccisimo! You needs to get yerself a blog! Nicely said. It reminded my of the mornings we went out training in Belgie with just the right amount of mist. Just the right kind of temp. Just exactly the right kind of tackiness in the woods showing me why a Dugast is a Dugast. Gorgeous.

March 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

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