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PRO with a capital P!

The argyle boys have had some bad luck mixed with some shining moments at P-N. I would still LOVE to see them get the golden ticket to Le Grande Boucle...with Friedman and his license plate dangling from his saddle and all 9 of them sporting Catfish Hunter 'staches (not sure if Farrar can grow facial hair yet though.

Anywhoo, as reported below, our main man Jonny Coln is doing his duties with Splistream and cranking out mad BlackBerry shots during the races. From the cars, the buses, hotels, etc. HE's gonna have to blog this sheeit! Check out his shot taken for me due to my shoe obsession. Ka-BLING! You go Millar. I'm gonna have to help you dial in that sock thing though. You've got the 'tall boy ++' thing goin' on strong Dave, but I'd say you need about 2 cm cut off the top. 6 out of 10 for you.

Reader Comments (1)

At least I'm not the only one who gets sub par grades on their proness...

March 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterR.Knapp

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