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Help this boy get his epic in Breck'ic

Have you seen this boy? You may recognize him from such events as the Master's National Cyclocross Championships, the instigator and proprietor of Dopers Suck or as the blogger who brought you Chocolate Waffles and 'Cross!

And now, with a propensity for popping champagne on podiums winning stars-n-bars, our Brandon za Dubba Dwight has since upgraded his habit to Dom and roaming the streets of Boulder ranting about ..."I'm bringin' the pain next season!"...this, to "....I need me one good epic to train"....that. So, like the global group of philanthropists we are, we need to intervene and get this guy an epic under his belt and build up for 'cross this season.  And there's no better way to do that than to help vote him into the...

The organizers of Breck Epic in Breckenridge, Colorado (a multi-day stage race around the same time as the Firecracker 50 National Marathon MTB championships) are doing something super interesting: They advertised for a group of writers/bloggers to come and talk about the event leading up and the community will get to vote for of them to get into the event!

So, if you could, help me help a brother and have a look at Dubba's profile here. Once you've done that, note the 'Cast Your Vote' link on the left side of his profile. Click that and navigate on over to the Survey Monkey site they've created and give a vote for Brandon. Here's the catch: You'll see on the voting for First, Second, Third. Help Dubba under-achieve by voting him for THIRD place. Sounds weird, huh? Trust me on this one. Give 'im a THIRD place vote and I think we'll see him in Breck in July.

You've done your philanthropy for today. Now get back to work!


Reader Comments (1)

my first vote in the US! er, anywhere actually!

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlongman

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