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Stretchy strechy

So as geekdified as it sounds, I set this calendar reminder once a week to head on out into the car hole and go and fill my tubulars up to keep a wee bit inflated during the off season. Especially those that have Stans in them and they get a little turn on the skewer to mix the stuff up a bit...lest the Stans cause the latex tubes to get all stick together whiel sittle idle.

The rack you see here is super trick for wheel storage and inexpensive to throw together. A bunch of hardware store grade hooks staggered in two roes alternating one high and one low (so the skewers don't bump). I drill those into a piece of pine then attach that piece of pine to the studs in the wall. Insta-storage.

I'm going to run a mix of toobies next year. Some Dugast, some Challenge, some clincher...whatever the day brings. I have settled on one fact though that I am in LOVE with 34's....especially on the Colorado crap we have to endure out here. 

6 more months till 'cross.

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Reader Comments (9)

hey greg, is cyclosport going to do a "intro to tubular" clinic this year? that would great for us newbs. I've been planning to get a set ever since i read in i think it was CX Mag that someone said it was like "riding sex" the first time he spun around on his. ha!

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjasper9

You know, it's not a bad idea to do a clinic and I'll talk to Brandon about this. Gluing tubulars is NOT trivial and needs to be done absolutely right (and as someone who's glued plenty of his own and had them roll, I should know....and trust my gluing to a pro now). But, it is so valuable to go through the process to understand what it is all about. Yes riding tubulars is absolutely unique and people who get on cotton have that absolute 'a-ha!' moment when they ride them. And the experience gets better and better when you REALLY understand about tire pressures for certain courses , your weight, etc. Then there's absolutely no turning back.

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGreg K


You could get your cross on sun. 3/15 in Eagle as they are having a race. I'm heading over for a little CX fun! Nothing like a screaming hard effort in March! Hell you could crash here at my pad in Breck Sat. to shorten the drive!


March 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Overstreet

Nice idea for the wheel rack.
How far apart are the hooks?

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpowenb

Hey Owen!
Each of the hooks is roughly 6" apart, staggered one low, one high each way down the board.


March 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGreg K

Hey Greg,
Mikeyp from Jared's Crossniacs team here. I was wondering how you clean the old glue stuff from carbon tubular wheels. I have a set of wheels that I alternate between road and cross for now. I will need to go through the process soon again. I know some folks say don't use any solvent for fear of unhinging your carbon layup. I have scraped a bit but there is some serious residue now. Any thoughts?

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermikeyp

Hey Mikey! Yeah, this is a tough one but VeloNews has had some great articles on this subject. Here is one: but if you search for 'Carbon' and 'Acetone' you will find even more. According to VN and their feedback from some of the Carbon wheel providers they asked, acetone will have absolutely no decomposition effects to the glue that holds the carbon strands together. It's worse for you than the wheels. So I would search and review those articles on VN and move forward with acetone, rubber gloves, and some elbow grease.

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGreg K

Thanks Greg. Now to get a bottle of acetone and hole up in a small enclosure and ohhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

March 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermikeyp

so i just remembered this blog post while i was organizing my garage.. totally building one of those to hold wheels - thnx for the idea!

September 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjasper9

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