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The Next Chapter

Take a good look at this face. Study it.

What do you see? Well, I will tell you: relief. My friends, after nearly 13 years, the time has come and my employer and I have parted ways. All was done amicably and I will now take some well needed time afforded with this move to take that sabbatical I've dreamed about for many years. It's going to allow the freedom to explore the technology and business projects I've really wanted to focus on for years, but has been so hard to do with a full time job and its travel, family, bike get the picture. But it is amazing this feeling. Lightness. Awake. I am so amped it's mad. I can literally...not figuratively...take these massive inhalations of breath in my lungs and feel so relaxed. It's indescribable. I am so proud of the work I've done over the last decade+...the places I've been, the people I've met, the technology we built...all suffering and winning together. I leave that last 'chapter' behind and so proud and know the team will pour more and innovative fuel on the fire we started.

Once this news was public, so many folks have sent amazing well wishes. Ironically, many have said: "Well now you get to focus on your family." Huh? Kind of funny but it's a pretty typical thing to say I guess...and I am one of those energetic Labradors with my tail constantly wagging...always doing something fast and with passion. So it probably leaves many of my business 'associations' with that feeling of: 'man, I hope that guy tends to his family.' But you as my faithful M & C reader....having humored me for (literally) years with bitches, moans, rants, cries of "the three part teeter totter" and the balance strived for already know everything....everything...ranks behind my family. Has, does and will.

"The cage door is open Greg. It's your decision to jump through when you want to." The words of my wife for years. Imagine having that support. That is my life and I am blessed. My Amy is my compass....and engine...for so many things. If I were speaking these words to you now in person, my readers, I'd emphatically wish for you...hope for have that kind of relationship in your lives. The relief is so deeply rooted in my wife's insistence on keeping us focused on many 'core' things that do nothing but set us up on a trajectory towards happiness and freedom....

a) Stay out of debt. She's the best CFO in the world and we live life with the fact that we want NO ONE 'owning' us. So never spend what you don't have. It's all just stuff anyway. Amy is such a phenomenal pilot here for me as I'd keep buying Dugasts until the cows come home. I've got a problem like that. Amy schwaps me in the head to keep me on the straight and narrow. 

b) Pursue what you want because everything else sucks. She's right. Money is nice but having freedom to explore what you feel you were meant to do in life is infinitely more important than merely putting one foot in front of the other on the rat wheel. You all remember those videos in college Psych 101 classes of Pavlov's dog. 'Ding' and get the food pellet. Well money..and combine that with debt, is what forces so many people to not realize until it's too late that they are hearing the ding! and subconsciously running for the pellet.

c) Ensure we are where our kids can thrive. We're here. We felt that in 2004 when we had a 2 year old and 6 week old and suddenly realized that we'd mentally...and physically...outgrown San Francisco. We chose one place: Boulder and made it happen. Our friends and family were shocked. Nearly a decade there and poof! We're gone. All in the pursuit of staying ahead. Looking ahead. Planning ahead. We believe so fundamentally in this town and what it can provide our children it is maddening to think we could ever leave...

So these things...and other core things I think I'll just keep for me....are all the building blocks my beautiful Amy has helped me realize. It's enabled the cage door to remain open and ensure our freedom. I am going to take time to think, to write, to study technology, to ride...and ultimately demonstrate again who I was...who I am...and the character I know I need to revive with this small break. You have a taste of me through reading these pixels, but those that know me in the flesh know that I am ready to blow some shit up. Large.










Oh my God. It's here. Exhale..................

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Reader Comments (10)

Congrats! Hope to see you more!

April 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEric

Congratulations. I wish you and yours all the best and llok forward to reading about your next chapter.

April 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterED

Congrats!! Its a great the dream while the dream is there it chase

April 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRyan Prociuk


That is a great read - congrats!

April 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbsmith

i envy you for steering your own ship. You have more balance than most.

April 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeff C

Keller -- I am very excited for you and can sense the relief. What I hope, is that everything stays the same. That is, your priorities, your mad passion, and the desire & will to build great things. Now, it's time to find a different application for all these great qualities. As my 4-yr old son said years ago as we were cruising down a dirt rode on a tag-along (nearly out of control..of course), "Daddy, slow down and enjoy the speed".

All the best,


April 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergregdavoll

Great post Greg !!
Really hits home for me also right now..
Life only really happens once so seize the moment now right....
God Speed

April 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRSTEVE

I have been flipping back to this post periodically and I must admit my envy. The one word that keeps repeating in my head is "relief."

I wish you the best in making the most of your time and coming up with the best possible opportunity in the future.


April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBoCoMike

Hi Greg,
A man who's job helps him to live his passions and acomplish his dream doesn't get ra rich man but his life become even more richer.
Leave your passions or die with your ideas.



April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichel

WOW!!! Spread those wings!!! Your posts have been so inspirational in so many directions....this one for real.....the family. I tell the people that work with me that we only do this to afford our "real" lives.
The words of your sweetie, "the cage door is open...." are so powerful, and you are so fortunate to have that in your life....cheers to you!
See you out there.

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNinjaPonyDad

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