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My new project | Kelly Roshambo 29’er 1 x 1

Ahhhhh ringk gingk gingk!” That was the sound of the ‘chant’ my buds and I used to make as we threw our paper, rock or scissor on the 3rd and last ‘gingk’. You ALWAYS throw on the 3rd gingk. So many rounds of beers, shotgun seats or general slave-like tasks were won and lost over rounds of Ro Sham Bo amongst my crew…so when I saw this little number for sale on the Pros Closet, and then focused-in on the name of the frame, she had to be mine. It was destiny.

The Kelly Roshambo is a steel singlespeed frame, made of True Temper OX Platinum Steel. She’s old school with V-Brakes, but irresistible nonetheless. I am selling my old 26” Dean singlespeed as I just can’t justify riding on 26” wheels any longer. My 2 years on my Ahrens Revolver 29’er has converted me to big wheels without a need to look back. Seeing what Specialized and Gary Fisher are doing with their full suspension 29’er bikes has also effectively blown up this image in my brain that 9’ers would simply not have a place in the FS market. All that has changed too…

So to the bike, I am building it slowly. Transferring parts from the old Dean including a (I think) 1st generation Chris King headset (bomber!!), 2007 XTR V-Brakes, Time ATAC pedals, Syncros seat post circa 96 and ultra-bomber and stiff Race Face DH cranks. New stuff will include a Thomson 110/0° rise stem, flat bars and bar ends. The wheels will be built up on a set of 1998 Chris King MTB hubs with new Stans ZTR 355’s (for rim brakes) and likely DT spokes. Not 100% sure on rubber yet but those Geax Saguaro’s tread pattern is delicious in their 2.2 and likely I’ll stick with those which I tested on the Edge Composites carbon wheels.

imageAnyways, the project is fun and being done on the super-cheap as a 1 x 1 should! I’ll report back once I get this thing to a completed state and have ridden around on it. And yes, this is what I’ll be rocking in Durango come September

Reader Comments (5)

Oh man! I have the geared 26" version of that as my mountain bike. One of the most fun rides I have ever put between my legs!

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBen

Yay! WElcome to the Kelly family. I will be in durango on my 10 year old Kelly cruiser single speed that has seen at least three previous SS worlds starting in 99. Look forward to putting a face on the blog!

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertarik

Whatup Ben and Tarik! Indeed this will be a fun bike. In fact, it is my 2nd Kelly! My first was a Kelly green knobbie cross I got at Palo Alto bike shop in 1998. LOVED that thing!

See you guys soon!


June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

good stuff man. I'm currently building up a 9er ss that my friend let me borrow. I've been riding medium frames and finally I'll be on a large frame. Then I got to find myself a ss 29er and a new geared 29er. I gotta sell my Medium Spot geared 29er cause it's too small :(

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterisaias

look at all those bikes in the background! (wiping saliva off my chin). is that Scott Spark yours, for sale? i am still not remotely sold on 29ers for races, maybe on some buff-ish courses. my 26" HT is tolerable for racing, but I'm tired of riding "around" stuff, and not riding the quickest direct line from point A to B

June 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeff C

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