So Joe sent me another huge batch of DVDs today. Puts the total of my collection at 100 and something 'cross specific DVDs. My porn collection.
Hidden on the 2002 Worlds DVD was a little gem. The 2002 GP Holland. Possibly the finest race I have ever seen (maybe with the exception of the Zolder World's when Super Mario and Wellens photo finished). The race is s a study in course design, equipment/tire selection, shitty conditions
and technique. The Dutch know how to throw on a race.
Richard put on a capital 'C' clinic in this race proving at the time he was and probably is the all time greatest mudder. He pulled out the 2000 World's in similar fashion. His technique in this race was flawless in how he utilized his energy alternating between riding and running. The course was b-r-u-t-a-l. Almost 90% mud with the exception of the paved start/finish section and included mad 45degree mud run ups and descents and a 75 foot wooden staircase thrown in for good measure.
The things to observe in this race were the porting and running techniques that varied so differently between the Dutch and the Belgians (who were the only people factoring in, in this race. Gerben De Knegt and Richard classically wrapping under the down tube and all the Belgians wrapped around the head tube. The shouldering was all very interesting to study as well given the extreme conditions and how they use modified styles to.
Super Mario and Wellens put in an impressive chase but could never catch Richard who wins by :20. He dangled from the first lap or two at :12 to :15 so it was so impressive to watch how his technique enabled him to stay out front the whole time.
Indeed 'cross porn and should be used a study aid.
I can not wait
The weather has dipped into the 50's and 60's and its blustery. It's welcoming us to the season. I am so amped I can't sleep well any more. The work has been put in and my family has supported me so much. I haven't smiled this much in a year. I'm ready to have fun and see what this aging body can do. I've listened.
Boulder Bike Summit
This Friday saw Boulder host it's Boulder Bike Summit...a. planning festival which included everyone from the current Mayor (and two mayors past) to city council members to bike freaks ranging from racers to commuters to alternate transport advocates. It was a huge day. Our local paper, the Daily Camera, did a story on it here.
Immense efforts by people like Pete Webber of IMBA and many others are pushing the agenda to ensure the visibility of key projects on the future planning (hopefully near term) for specific items of the mater plan such as the introduction of dedicated biking facilities in Valmont park. This would include world class permanent courses in the park designed for 'cross and other disciplines. A lot of that vision can be seen here.
Dead F-ing Last No. 1
Dillon an the DFL crew launched their 13th annual cross training series. Man oh man oh man do I miss these. Wear a dress (see Brian in post below) and you race free. It's unsanctioned and fast and beautiful and core.
Evan sent me the link to photos of the first race. Looks like all the usual suspects were there again. I miss these folks. This scene. Here in Boulder, things are pretty frickin serious. I mean, go to a Cat 4 race and 3 rows deep you have guys who can win a Cat 3 race with little problem. Crazy. DFL keeps this whole community absolutely core. The racing is super fast but hilarious. I had a my first breakthrough moment at one of these DFL's years ago when I knew I could hang. If you are in SF on random Wednesdays or a Saturdays in the early season, and if you can find the race as it's underground, you should get your dress on and get involved. These are beautiful souls. It's here that 'cross is kept alive as it should be.
The Lion of Fairfax Returns!
My main honky Brian ~Double B from Bakersfield ~ Bruckner, owner and proprietor of the notorious Big Swingin' Cycles shop in San Francisco is hosting the second annual Lion of Fairfax 'cross race in Fairfax CA. You can see some rad photos on my old friends Russ and Nancy Wright's AbbiOrca site here.
I wish I could get out there for this as it was a hellofalot of fun last year I heard. Most folks from the Bay Area will have already heard and registered for the race, but for my peeps out here in CO, I'd HIGHLY recommend swingin' by Big Swingin' in San Francisco. You'll quickly find that B, Chris and the whole staff are very core. Just remember that when you visit and want to cross it up with the fellas, you may want to pack a dress.
Our Nation's Capital... and will always be a swamp. I dunno how people can live here in this visible, nearly constant 95% humidity.
DC is an interesting place. The politics/politicking...even in the software unbearable. Everything is some huge posturing event. Go to New York and people give you the straight dope. Go to SF and you get 'niced' to death (unless you're driving of course). Here, you have to lobby and perform 'services' to get your needs met.
The run this AM was sea-level and pleasant. No need for depth today, merely to turn over some coals and keep the embers orange. More work this weekend then rest before we kick things off in Breck next weekend.
Bush apres MTB faceplant.
The Wed Morning Cross World Championships...2007 No. 3
We had an awesome throw down at Elks and Research this AM. HUGE turn out. I have pics but my camera's USB crapped out so I have to load the SD card in someone else's and load the pics that way.
More later....
OK, I'm back. Got the camera problem solved. I love standards like the SD card. Just threw it in our other camera and voila!
OK, to the update. So, Elk's was fast. I tried to set a hard first couple of laps for the group and they turned out to be the fastest. We had a split fairly quickly. The Boulder Cycle Sport ~slash~ FIDEA squad was in force. I pulled in in 5th with Dubba, Tuba and Colby taking on everyone. Bastages. Everyone is going well it seems and the mood was full up geeky cross. This sport is for real and people wait ALL year for these mornings are that much more fun with a set of attitudes.
Boulder Research was much slower for everyone. The course was uber rocky and I just personally rolled a bit. I gots me my efforts in for the day.
The engine felt capital G great this AM. More rest and small tuning and then here we go season!
Digital Celluloid:
Time machine.
Daaaaamn. We are all getting older. Even the cyborg, Sven Nijs is beginning to show some weather. I've got a couple-a 3 or 4 gray hairs starting to show their face in the bouffant, but Sven's head is either getting bigger with each World Cup victory or he's starting to show some age:It's all good Sven. It's aaaaaaaaaaall good. Getting older is OK, man. No need to worry about that little wunderkind Niels Albert or Klaas Vanthournout (FYI: He's my prediction of the up-and-comer for this season). Just keep doing your bunny hoppin' thing out there and keep that Giro on your dome. No one will know.
Keeping it smooth
Two more big days before the rest comes...only to be followed by the storm which is brewing and will carry on through December. Then rest again. Then Belgium.
The secret society of 'cross freaks got out early yesterday AM to flog each other silly. The moment I opened my eyes, still lying in bed, I said: "I think I need rest." Going out and flogging sort of made that premonition come true in that I mostly played the role of floggee versus flogger. Can't be out front every day I'm learning.
Today was more of the same flogging...although this time self inflicted up Flag for a couple-a tests up, up and up to see where I'm at (and where I've been). A FRESHLY paved Flagstaff as well. So niiiiiiiii. When I woke up today and opened my eyes, the first thoughts were: "I'm going to rail it." After that extreme effort yesterday, I nailed a personal best and a 2nd not-so-bad ascent up that beeatch. The recovery was decent I guess last night. There's nothing that some organic food made by my lady and a 1554 can't solve to aid the sore legs.
So, I'm here. 100's of early AM hours logged, 11 pounds lost since last year, weaknesses worked on. I've learned lots. Lots of balancing. Who knows what the season will bring but I put the work in. The smiles are abound.
Speaking of smiles, today after the self flogging, I jammed down the Creek path to the Research Center to hook up with the fam for some mini-jumpin' with the little Irishmen. Check it.