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Entries in cyclocross training (100)

Ben Turner's Cycle-Smart clinic in Boulder...

So after our regular early Sunday AM 'cross training ride, I swung by the house, grabbed my cowbell and camera and headed over to Foothills Park to snap some shots of Ben Turner's Cycle-Smart cyclocross clinic. He had a great turn out today and it was gorgeous for shooting photos.

I got to catch up with Danny and Brady as they spent their time working with Ben, Kerry Barnholt and of course Dubba to leverage their considerable experience in making the students smooth smooth smooth. Amazing staff to teach the folks who showed up who ranged in age from 89 or 9 to old dudes like me.

Anyways, some digital celluloid from today...

Grom Cam..

A gaggle of groms get their hup hup on.
Danny waxing poetic on the virtues of porting....
More grom action
Ben addresses the crowd
Oh cross, how I love thee. Let me count the ways....
The VC crowd is getting their hup on
...get instructed by some of the best including Clif's Brady Kappius.
Teaching 'cross at 5,560 feet.
Listening to every word....
The Clif Bar team...Boulder Chapter surrounding Junior World Silver Medalist, Danny Summerhill


Wednesday Worlds - Week 1

OK, so officially, this is really 'week 2' as a handful of us when out last week, but most of the folks came out of their hiatus today for the changing of the leaves. 49 degrees this AM! Sick! This said, it truly can't be cross season yet as Dubba's leg's are still as hairy as can be and Webber is still wearing his baggy downhill shorts. 

We sell no wine before it's time. 

Great sessions today and I feel excatly where I want to be in term sof fitness. Honestly, work to do but grins in my head for having spent a total of a handful of hours training this, the summer of the shit. Didn't go too hard and felt totally comfortable, and didn't feel all impulsed to go any deeper at session 2. Now, the trick is to stay in the progression and stay healthy. 

Digital celluloid:

T and his new carbon sex
Matty Opp in the house
Paco does things on a 1 x 1 no human should be able to. 
V getting in the hup hup today
Yes, there is a power tap on this dude's BMC
Coyle and Opp

Dubba's a short timer. T minus DAYS until married-dom
(Half) the crew this AM...

CX Clinic No. 2! This Wednesday Sep 3rd!

Coach Hup is calling you to school. BCS at 5:50 PM tomorrow (Wednesday) night. We roll at 6 sharp!

The way forward...

Building. Rebuilding. Cold mornings. It's all coming into focus mind feels the same way your eyes do when you come out of a movie theater in the mid afternoon on a sunny day. Part of me is thankful it's it pulls me like an anchor each year to get me through. Then, before I know it...'s gone.

And then begin again.

I got out today to practice the skills I love to teach. Sloooooow technique. 1, 2, 3 dismount...1, 2, 3 mount. Repeat. hundres of times. Both sides. One hour. Active recovery.

My ribs still remind me. Am I dumb?

Bikes are coming into shape. Sold one set of Dura Ace and waiting for all the SRAM bits. But got the B bike dialed for now. Anyone locally interested in a set of Dura Ace cranks (175's), BB, 42t ring and dual Wetzikons? Email me if interested.

BCS's Jeremiah and his fandangled tubular stretcher.

B Bike. My training horse. I love it more than ever after my fit. Mmmm.
I dumped my 46c to c Ritchey bars for 44's. WAY better. Classic drop too. Yum.
The TRP EuroX Carbons are ripping. I took KP's advoice and treated the side of my Doogies too with aquaseal.
The A bike still has time. I still dunno when I am coming out to play yet....

BCSCX Clinic No. 1!

What a phenomenal turnout last night! Thank you all for coming! I think there were between 35-40 people. Sick. We had so much fun getting our 'cross on. 10 year old kids to Open/Pro level racers were in attendance, listening attentively to the instruction going on...instruction designed to make the experience of cyclocross more enjoyable...and make Colorado racers FASTER!

Last night we covered a lot...and will be reviewed next 'class' (next Wednesday at 5:50 PM at Boulder Cycle Sport). Last night we dove into:

  • Dismounts
  • Porting
  • Remounts
Next week we'll follow a progression and refresh those skills learned last night to bring you all forward into new skills.

Of course, some digital celluloid!:

Velonews' Matt Pacocha had a delectable new toy he's testing....
Riders listening to the gospel
Kids and pros alike in attendance...
Nick Stevens was there filming for the Valmont Bike Park
Folks practicing their new skills
Ah, 'cross commeraderie

More instruction....
And more practicing!To the volunteers go the spoils!! Thank you AVERY for donating these delicious samples to Brandon and I! You guys are OFF THE HOOK! So cool of you!

CX Clinic No. 1! This Wednesday Aug 27th

Don't be this guy this season:
Come this Wednesday evening to the first in a series of clinics. Be at Boulder Cycle Sport at 5:45 for an hours worth of instruction on 'cross fundamentals. All skill levels and all ages welcome.

Bring a bike (cross, or mountain with no bottle cages or bar ends), some water and a good attitude.

Making the more ways than one

Day 13...and the ribs are starting to feel a bit better, although I can feel the lowest one crunch around a bit. Yes, it is absolutely disturbing to feel that. 4-6 weeks says the doc. I did not ask for what that means so I may be seen doing the secret training...

But enough of that. I've been through annoying injuries before and I'll bounce back. But I am bummed as I've been champing at the bit to talk about this coming cross season and all the exciting stuff that is taking shape. It's been a glimmer of fun for me to distract my mind with in a summer of absolute heartfelt agony.

So, without further adieu, what *is* going on this season? I guess it is all rooted in Belgium where Brandon and I talked deeply about the BCS CX team...and creating a 'cross-specific team in general....and what could be done with it. Mainly it centered around pure passion for the sport and how we love it deeply...and how folks really seem to be falling in love like we have been. But, the interesting thing is, with all these people...and MANY first time adults....pouring into the sport, how are they learning what to do? Are they enjoying themselves? Who is 'coaching' them...when we all know SO many adults are too shy or 'don't have the time' to get taught. Who is teaching the the basics? The history? The technology?

By ALL definitions, people need BIKE PRACTICE <--and yes I'm quoting Tim.

Literally, the fundamentals need to be taught to those flooding into the sport. There is no difference between the type of repetitive motions a baseball player needs to go through to perfect, say, bunting, than that of a 'crosser's needs...say, porting or re-mounting. Over and over and over and over again the motion of properly sliding back on the bike (note I did not say JUMP back on the bike) need to be taught in fine detail. So, the lessons, skills, techniques, etc will be taught to them to help ensure their entire experience with the sport is super fun and allow them a path to continually see improvement. Joe Ball taught me...and you all have a story of a guy or gal who taught you. It's those experiences that seal the contagious spirit and make lifer's out of the newbies.

So with these thoughts in mind, and finally coming out of "the summer I want to forget", I'm proud to say that made the leap to hook up with Dubba for this coming season as BCS team rider and cross 'evangelist'. My family of compadres at Rockymounts are all in support of the concept and the move and the need for me to focus my time on this, which is so close to my heart.

So, what is at the core of all this? I can net it out this way:

  • The BCS Cross Team is all cross...all the time.
  • The team's focus is pure evangelism for the sport we love and passing that spirit on to folks of all abilities and all ages.
  • Education will be my primary focus this season. Teaching and involving myself in clinics....and with much as possible, wherever and whenever possible.
I'm psyched...even with my ribs keeping me up at night.

So with this move to BCS and teaming up with Dubba, there'll be new colors and new equipment to rely on....and as many of you know, I am pretty obsessive about my bikes and a Class A snob for knowing what I like...and what I don't like. So, I wanted to send a shout out to those who believe in this old crippled guy (who cries like a baby....).

Boulder Cycle Sport: Brandon and most importantly the boys at the shop....Dwayne, Mike, Coleman, Evan and Jeremiah have been there for me non stop no matter what uniform I wear for years. With my crazy schedule, these guys dial in my bikes and genuinely care about the quality of my ride, and for that I am grateful. It has made all the difference these years.

TRP Brakes: I have gone on and on and on and on and on about these unbelievable pieces of cyclocross art. All my bikes will be equipped with TRP stoppers...the EuroX Carbon and EuroX Magnesiums. This is a company that HAS LISTENED to 'crossers and delivered on all the little nuances such as toe-in, micro adjustments pad width, pad name it. They did NOT just replicate an ancient version of old mountain bike or touring cantilever design. Perfection. Especially for stopping a carcass like mine.
The very fine folks at SRAM have enabled me to ride INCREDIBLE product: Their Red and Force groups. When I saw Brandon installing these at the beginning of last season. I got all wobbly knee'd. I lusted the lever design and knew it would be a PERFECT application for 'cross. No cables to get in the way when porting (the way I do), simplicity and tightness in all made sense. Funny that Tim Johnson won the Nationals with his Red group....and Brandon the Master National stars and bars with his Force group. I am stoked to have made the leap!

There are so many other folks making huge commitments to this team...and the sport in general....that I will take more time in future posts to highlight them as well. The folks above have truly shown faith in me and I am eternally grateful. I'm going to work my butt of and play catch up and do the best I can this season, but ultimately.....

...bring you a message of salvation! I'll be an evangelizin' fool

'Cross on, crossers.

The inexplicable lightness of being...a father.

You have more power at your fingertips than those dudes who sit in those high-tech chairs at NORAD with key codes and access to annihilating the world.

That is, if you are a parent.

We have massive responsibility to ensure these kids see a path through the junk that life seems to be laying in front of them these days. And no, I'm not going to posture here and say how to do it, what kids should have their brains planted with to 'turn the world around', what the 'right' method of parenting is. You are all doing a fine job I'm sure.

But man, what a responsibility. They want to be us. They observe and absorb everything. From the manners you display with the person taking your order at a restaurant to, in my case, how I have my Oakleys jammed in my helmet when I come home shattered from a ride. It's all the little details and they have the power to read those nuances more prolifically than you take them for.

And I love it. And I live for it. And I digress....

Enforced rest this week.....mercifully as I overcooked myself with Dubba, Von and Andy today on the undergoound Sunday cross ride. I am not healed. I am stupid. I literally had to take a nap for the pain was out of hand. Challenges are funny things, no? I seem to fabricate them for myself quite effectively. But I can not stand not being there. Always afraid of missing something....

But, again I digress.


You know when you are riding single track and you say to yourself on a particularly nasty section strewn with immovable boulders and other trail furniture: "Holy crapnikov, that would be a shitty place to crash."

Well, I yardsaled on exactly that on Saturday. Nick, Bobby, Jr. Sam, Jason V and others all grooving up in Ned until a trail gremlin reached out and grabbed my bar throwing me into this rock garden like a giant piece of cheese over a grater.

Not good. Confirmed broken rib which made itself known to me Sunday when I sneezed and I about passed out. Wrist is annihilated too as is the hip. I know the ribs can't be helped and the wrist will heal too, so I've got to sit in on this and suffer.


Awesome timing, huh? But...finding the silver lining nonetheless: My S-Works helmet worked like a champ against The rocks!

And yes, I'll see you at Amante on Wednesday AM.

Looking ahead GOD it is almost here. The core of me is happy but it is still a distant friend to me these days who's come into town recently and made me so happy like in the old days, yet I know will vanish and cause me to long for the bond again.

This is going to be an interesting year. So, I've got to chart out my goals. I can not pretend to have the runway I made for myself last year. I've got to focus on priorities which are

  • Keep my family stoked.
  • Keep my employer stoked.
  • Keep my friends stoked.
  • Keep me stoked.
I am not sure if there is an order above but clearly family first. The employer bullet point has caused the three part teeter totter to bend and break. China, Russia, Australia, The UK, Germany and my micro 'bus trips' to SF are all on the docket this fall. Weeks at a time. Oh well. It is what it is.

So, where to pour the attention? It has to be laser focused and tight in scope. I am just not going to have the time this season. So, it's got to be: education. In other words pouring my love into teaching others about this sport of ours as mentioned. To this end, I'll be working with mi hombre Brandon Dwight this season on clinics and other evangelisms of the sport. More to come on this news in a week or so but the fact I can start looking newbies in the eye and get them so stoked on how they will improve week in and out is what will keep me sane. That is the juice. I want to trace the progress of a few folks and promote their accomplishments week in and out.

Time's a ticken peeps! Start your running and remounts! I'll be ruining the bell soon when class is in session.