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Entries in cyclocross (85)

Ohio UCI races this past weekend

Some race action from the UCI races in Ohio this past weekend. Nice to see Brandon mixing it up with Wicks and Parbo at the front. Wicks has so much time at the end, he's show boating through the barriers by bunny hopping.

This is why you need toe spikes...

Jeff, this is why I swap out those crappy screws in my I can ensure on certain courses that I can take'em out and put in my spikes!

Cyclocross Bike Racing Traffic Jam On Muddy Run-Up - These bloopers are hilarious


Gunnison Colorado this weekend. Back to back BCR races at 7,700 feet. That extra 2000 feet difference between Gunni and Frisco...if you've never raced in CO before....will actually help!
Greg suffering at the 06 GP's...invariably with a load in his chamois

Looking forward to the weekend with The WB and CV and others who'll be making the trek. I'm sleeping super well now and last two days literally have woken up with smiles and a heart rate like a hibernating bear (or at least a fairly in shape mid 30's white guy). We'll see what the weather brings but for now it looks super 'crossy which is rad:

Lion of Fairfax in Boulder

Thanks Brian and Speed Buggy for the T!! I wanna come in race this next year!
The race looked super fun man!

DFL Finals. Ah, the memories.

Man I got misty eyed watching this vid. Wear a dress, race for free. Joe and I used to do intervals here in GG Park....before the law started to be laid. Watch the Le Mans start. One year I tried to long jump like 10 bikes at one of the DFL's with a Le Mans start and ended up landing on some dudes wheel. Sorry man.


The weather may hold out for the 35 Opens this Am but I'll be pitting for the boys in the 3's and Opens today and the weather looks like it's going to open up on 'em. I've got umbrellas and all for you fellas on the start line.

I feel capital T tired today. Probably less from training and more from the season changes. I get these deep sleeps now which is great, but I feel like a diesel motor in the AM trying to shake the sleep. My wife says it's the cavemen in us still that gets the body ready for hibernate mode.

I'm looking forward to a CLEAN race these next two days in Frisco. My race. No bobbles, gremlins, etc. Just flow. Wish me luck.

Cyclofile at Boulder Theater Last night

So, last night was the Jr. Cyclocross Development Team fund raiser held at the Boulder Theater. The draw was to come and watch teh antics of J-Pow and the new Cyclofile movie...proceeds going to the Junior development fun. Rad.

So I had a Rocky Mounts team meeting before hand and new I was going to be late. I finish up my business with the team and roll over to the Theater. Movie started at 7. I'm there at 7:45. I walk up to the theater and there are a zillion bikes locked up outside. Rad again. Stoll to the ticket booth:

Me to lady behind the glass: "Hi! Can I grab some tickets? I know I'm late but no big deal. I'll still buy one."

Ticket lady in muffled voice due to glass separating she and I: "Um, like, we're closed now." Sorry."

Me (smiling): "Um, I think this is a fund raiser. Seriously, it's OK that the movie is almost over. No big whup. The money goes to some kids. My bud texted me from inside and said there's tons of seats. Can I just grab a last minute ticket?"

Muffled lady: "Um, like I said, it really closed. So, um, no."

Me. "Weak".

And I rolled home. Gonna have to find another way to help out!


I ripped this from Brian at RaceCX. Thanks homie! Of note while watching: Even the pros hit the deck (watch Heule on the run up and embed the sound of Nelson saying "HA-HA"!).

Sign me up

So it looks like Team Fidea has ponied up and signed an ethics charter to support anti doping. Roughy translated from Cyclocross Info:

The Fidea-team wants to support the fight against doping. The ten racers on who the team counts all signed a “sport-loving charter” (Greg: That is a hilarious translation), an internal regulation that will issue fines and other sanctions in case of a positive.

"We are a leader in this area", said manager Van Kasteren. "We want contribute with the Fidea team an even playing field. We already had an earlier agreement, but now we’ve elaborated and refined it.”

The charter contains also a general ethics code of conduct. It has directives concerning clothing (Greg: Huh??), training periods, handles press... "a first of its kind in Belgium."

I guess I'm down with anything that moves the ball forward on this front. But, these Belgian 'renners' have been, are and will always be heroes more than bike racers to their supporter clubs. It's not about winning but about being heroic. It's about the ability of the rider to merge their guts and effort with the Belgian countryside...the same one they came from and where they're going to be buried some day. 'Cross in particular is even more poetic in this sense. Traversing their desolate countrysides of muddied cow pastures and barns. That's why it's so core to them and why we in America think...well...think differently. We like the winner....the result....the prize. Nothing wrong with that but the question of doping fades into the background for a Belgian when it isn't helping anyone necessarily win (it may), but is assisting, quietly, the suffering heroism going on for their fans and countrymen.

I'm going to get the shit kicked out of me in Belgium. HA!

Cool Cross Vegas article

There is fairly good break down of Cross Vegas found here along with some pretty darn good photography of the evening.