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Entries in cyclocross (85)

If you can...

...tell me who this interviewer is, you are an uber geek....and yes a kindred brother (or sister...).Photo Credit: Artur Eranosian

2 Weeks until the first 'Go!'

'Cross Clinic 1 under the belt...

We had a great showing this AM at the first CX clinic at Elk's. We had some really great folks out there who are 'cross crazy. Essentially, we did a 1 hour 45 minute overview of my little 'system'. Basically a mind dump of all the little shitr I've learned and practice myself. Today was all in relation to barrier work wherein we learned:

  • Phase 1: getting off the bike and all its little nuances.
  • Phase 2: getting through the barriers properly and quickly
  • Phase 3: the infamous remount and how it is learned at sloooow speed.
I hope you guys had fun! Spread the word. Free is good (but beer donations are accepted....HA!). I encourage all you guys to practice those drills over and over until you're dizzy. Eventually, you should probably hook up with a Cycle Smart class or similar.

This is how we repeated the drills after we learned them and before we threw together some hot laps.

Some stills of the crew gettin'er done...

Game on

The ACA's schedule has been up but I printed this mo fo out and tacked 'er up on the wall. Motivation. On the bars, more motivation. So many races put on by so many good people in this area. 'Crossers to the core. Ken B: comin' to Gunni, man. Apparently I can not race ANY UCI's in the "Elite" fields if I plan on participating in Masters Worlds. I'm confirming that with USA Cycling but WTF?? How else are we going to beat those Belgies?

SF this week so running of the sea level kind. Lots of work to be done so the stress management will be key. I'll wanna suck down beer to numb the mind but now' snot the time. Monk-style for the time being. The other folks on the team thin k I'm a freak.

Weekend? Timmy is Jedi mind tricking me into the Eldora Escape on the 1 x 1. Dunno. We'll see how the mind and family is when I get back.


Check this PhotoShop work done by Boups. The USGP's in Boulder last year. I am now sketched behind Knapp in this photo, right before my crash that broke my wrist. D'oh! Sketchy indeed. Thanks Boups!

CX Magazine

Holy crap. Cross has made it, folks. A print magazine being assembled by some home boys in CA is on its way to press. People crazy brave enough to do this must be passionate about the sport and that makes me smile.

Read the blog and help them out with some of their voting choices for the publication. I'd expect they'd want some help with regional coverage as well as cross is exploding virtually everywhere. It's the sport of the future! Unlike kick boxing.

Cross well.

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